Tiger and Stevie Split...

As Nobilo would say "Dramar". Can't wait for Golf Central tonight.
In my opinion Tiger wants to come back and make a fresh start with someone new(no history)and so Stevie is out the door.A good caddie is a valuable asset but you need a good working environment and their history is soured by the past so it comes as no surprise that the decision has been made.I say good luck to them both,I hope Tigers knee improves enough so that he can compete and Stevie continues with Scott,it could possibly be a better bag than a future Tigers,who knows.
I'm starting to think this is a sign that he's getting ready to play soon. The whole clean slate deal and all. I suppose firing Foley is all he's got left to do. I'm honestly surprised how upset Stevie is and vocal about it, but he seems to be the only one who ever stood up to Tiger, and continues to do so.

Are there odds in Vegas as to who will be next?
I'm starting to think this is a sign that he's getting ready to play soon. The whole clean slate deal and all. I suppose firing Foley is all he's got left to do. I'm honestly surprised how upset Stevie is and vocal about it, but he seems to be the only one who ever stood up to Tiger, and continues to do so.

Are there odds in Vegas as to who will be next?

I think you might be right about playing soon.
I am not surprised however about Stevie being vocal. He hung by him and stood by him with his schedule and issues. Based on what we have heard to date from people around and both parties (same as you), he feels kind of wronged and rightfully so. TW had a right to make a change, its just how it was handled that seems to bother him so much.
be interesting to see if Stevie loops for another tour player or hangs it up.
he's a good caddie and he's had a great run. i know he enjoys Speedway racing, so maybe he'll take that up full-time. who knows...

hopefully Tiger's whole "refresh/restart" tactic works out for him.
IMO, his "issues" start and end with him, not anyone else. so all of this "cleaning up" he's doing, might not pan out.
this "stain" on his life will not go away, no matter what he does...so i think the best thing for him to do, is to go out there, play golf and win.
unfortunately, his knee is hindering that option.
i'm not a Tiger hater, so i wish him the best and hope that he is able to come back and win.
be interesting to see if Stevie loops for another tour player or hangs it up.
he's a good caddie and he's had a great run. i know he enjoys Speedway racing, so maybe he'll take that up full-time. who knows...

he's on Adam Scott's bag permanently now.
be interesting to see if Stevie loops for another tour player or hangs it up.
he's a good caddie and he's had a great run. i know he enjoys Speedway racing, so maybe he'll take that up full-time. who knows...

He's already on the bag full time for Adam Scott
On the screws my man, the agent should have been one of the first to go..IMO

They'll both be fine, Stevie was good but the relationship obviously ran it's course, personally I think he should have fired his agent too.
my bad, i'm a slow person. i'm a day behind.
scratch that statement then.

in your face Tiger.
Good- now the book deal should be soon- Stevie had a cake job for 12 years- when Wood's was on he could not be beat. Gravy train over Stevie

Working for TW is no cake job. I think SW might have a little more class than to write a book

Did anyone catch the Stevie clip on sportscenter this morning? I saw a preview for it on my way out the door and they had a video interview with Stevie and he seemed pretty pissed. Said something like he wasted the last 2 years of his life.

Yes, I caught it and he ain't happy. This guy stuck by his man when most wouldn't have. It's not like the media backlash started because of on course issues...it was all due to TW and Lil TW. Stevie stay by Tiger's side and what thanks did he get....there's the door!

In my opinion Tiger wants to come back and make a fresh start with someone new(no history)and so Stevie is out the door.A good caddie is a valuable asset but you need a good working environment and their history is soured by the past so it comes as no surprise that the decision has been made.I say good luck to them both,I hope Tigers knee improves enough so that he can compete and Stevie continues with Scott,it could possibly be a better bag than a future Tigers,who knows.

There was nothing wrong with their relationship, these guys were buds to the end. At least that is how Stevie saw it....

I've defended TW in most of these threads but thislast bit of news is a little disheartening. Yes TW has every right to do what he feels is best and he does have a master plan. But letting go of SW may have been a mistake, IMO.
Working for TW is no cake job. I think SW might have a little more class than to write a book.

I obviously don't know Williams, but I never associated him and class together. My impression of him is that he is an A-hole and a bully who thought he was above most of the pros (i.e. Mickelson?).
just because he pushes people around and throws cameras in the water doesn't make him a bully...lol

I obviously don't know Williams, but I never associagted him and class together. My impression of him is that he is an A-hole and a bully.
Working for TW is no cake job. I think SW might have a little more class than to write a book

Yes, I caught it and he ain't happy. This guy stuck by his man when most wouldn't have. It's not like the media backlash started because of on course issues...it was all due to TW and Lil TW. Stevie stay by Tiger's side and what thanks did he get....there's the door!

There was nothing wrong with their relationship, these guys were buds to the end. At least that is how Stevie saw it....

I've defended TW in most of these threads but thislast bit of news is a little disheartening. Yes TW has every right to do what he feels is best and he does have a master plan. But letting go of SW may have been a mistake, IMO.

I thought I heard otherwise, that he hadn't heard from TW for months at a time, hence him flying back to the US the week before the US Open and not knowing TW wasn't going to play. If they were that close as of late then I think he wouldn't have been surprised at that decision. Though it worked out for him since he got to Loop for Adam Scott that week and since then.

IMO ultimately, Tiger being Tiger while giving his blessing to allow Stevie to loop for Adam got Tiger's goat. But that's not on Stevie since he's barely been able to collect checks since Thanksgiving 09. I also think he's (TW) of the clean slate camp and going about it as he's getting ready to tee it up soon. I am not surprised that he's not fired his agent. And I think of all people that he would absolutely be the last to go. If anyone has been there for TW and assisted in making decisions (albeit poor ones) its been his agent. While Stevie was a definite shock for me to see him part ways, I just can't fathom Mark going too.
There was nothing wrong with their relationship, these guys were buds to the end. At least that is how Stevie saw it....

I've defended TW in most of these threads but thislast bit of news is a little disheartening. Yes TW has every right to do what he feels is best and he does have a master plan. But letting go of SW may have been a mistake, IMO.

I thought I heard otherwise, that he hadn't heard from TW for months at a time, hence him flying back to the US the week before the US Open and not knowing TW wasn't going to play. If they were that close as of late then I think he wouldn't have been surprised at that decision. Though it worked out for him since he got to Loop for Adam Scott that week and since then.

IMO ultimately, Tiger being Tiger while giving his blessing to allow Stevie to loop for Adam got Tiger's goat. But that's not on Stevie since he's barely been able to collect checks since Thanksgiving 09. I also think he's (TW) of the clean slate camp and going about it as he's getting ready to tee it up soon. I am not surprised that he's not fired his agent. And I think of all people that he would absolutely be the last to go. If anyone has been there for TW and assisted in making decisions (albeit poor ones) its been his agent. While Stevie was a definite shock for me to see him part ways, I just can't fathom Mark going too.

We heard the same thing Spiff. The US Open thing was apparently something that was a real problem in my opinion.
And I also agree that Mark is not going anywhere right now. I would be absolutely shocked!
Listening to a "Sports Update" on Sirius this morning they mentioned this real quick like at the end and said "Tiger has fired long time caddie Stevie Williams". Is that true?
I can see your point about not communicating. But you don't stand in a man's wedding and not call him a friend. Steve's interview was very shocking as well. He was floored...as I said in my statement SW was under the immpression that they were best buds.
As for no checks...not sure that was the case...not sure Sw was struggling either. If TW leaves Marc after jumping ship to Excel...well I don't know what i'd do..Don't see that happening but I do see TW splitting from Nike...I have no facts or basis for my opinion but he has a clause that he can leave if you finds some thing better. New Caddy, New swing, New clubs? maybe? Just guessing...

Good- now the book deal should be soon- Stevie had a cake job for 12 years- when Wood's was on he could not be beat. Gravy train over Stevie

Did anyone catch the Stevie clip on sportscenter this morning? I saw a preview for it on my way out the door and they had a video interview with Stevie and he seemed pretty pissed. Said something like he wasted the last 2 years of his life.

In my opinion Tiger wants to come back and make a fresh start with someone new(no history)and so Stevie is out the door.A good caddie is a valuable asset but you need a good working environment and their history is soured by the past so it comes as no surprise that the decision has been made.I say good luck to them both,I hope Tigers knee improves enough so that he can compete and Stevie continues with Scott,it could possibly be a better bag than a future Tigers,who knows.

I thought I heard otherwise, that he hadn't heard from TW for months at a time, hence him flying back to the US the week before the US Open and not knowing TW wasn't going to play. If they were that close as of late then I think he wouldn't have been surprised at that decision. Though it worked out for him since he got to Loop for Adam Scott that week and since then.

IMO ultimately, Tiger being Tiger while giving his blessing to allow Stevie to loop for Adam got Tiger's goat. But that's not on Stevie since he's barely been able to collect checks since Thanksgiving 09. I also think he's (TW) of the clean slate camp and going about it as he's getting ready to tee it up soon. I am not surprised that he's not fired his agent. And I think of all people that he would absolutely be the last to go. If anyone has been there for TW and assisted in making decisions (albeit poor ones) its been his agent. While Stevie was a definite shock for me to see him part ways, I just can't fathom Mark going too.
Listening to a "Sports Update" on Sirius this morning they mentioned this real quick like at the end and said "Tiger has fired long time caddie Stevie Williams". Is that true?

Just another nasty rumor. Why can't people leave Eldrick alone?
Don't see that happening but I do see TW splitting from Nike...I have no facts or basis for my opinion but he has a clause that he can leave if you finds some thing better. New Caddy, New swing, New clubs? maybe? Just guessing...

Yeah I dont see that happening any time soon based on contracts. Anything is possible of course...I mean lets face it, he has left carnage every where he has gone.
Yeah I know, just throwing in the mix...At this point in time it wouldn't surprise me. I think Tony Dungee needs to get in TW's camp.

Yeah I dont see that happening any time soon based on contracts. Anything is possible of course...I mean lets face it, he has left carnage every where he has gone.
possibly....but I'm sure Marc going to Excel and Excel taking him on was prob based on him keeping Tiger as client. I don't know tiger's contract with Nike but I can't see him leaving...something tells me Nike would have a clause to match any competitive offer from another co...especially if he's going to play this year. I'd think he'd need a ton of time to test and figure out a whole new line of clubs.
I can see your point about not communicating. But you don't stand in a man's wedding and not call him a friend. Steve's interview was very shocking as well. He was floored...as I said in my statement SW was under the immpression that they were best buds.
As for no checks...not sure that was the case...not sure Sw was struggling either. If TW leaves Marc after jumping ship to Excel...well I don't know what i'd do..Don't see that happening but I do see TW splitting from Nike...I have no facts or basis for my opinion but he has a clause that he can leave if you finds some thing better. New Caddy, New swing, New clubs? maybe? Just guessing...
I think he should show up at the 2012 demo day at Grand Cypress since he live down the road and hit some of the equipment..:banana: Although the Nike Pro Combos are getting some great reviews

possibly....but I'm sure Marc going to Excel and Excel taking him on was prob based on him keeping Tiger as client. I don't know tiger's contract with Nike but I can't see him leaving...something tells me Nike would have a clause to match any competitive offer from another co...especially if he's going to play this year. I'd think he'd need a ton of time to test and figure out a whole new line of clubs.
I have to believe Nike would throw a RIDICULOUS amount of money at Tiger before he left. Heck, their entire line of "tour" products are Victory Red, which I believe is/was Tiger's M.O. Once we start seeing them introduce new project out from under the VR tag, then I'd start to believe that Tiger was on his was out from Nike.
Yeah I know, just throwing in the mix...At this point in time it wouldn't surprise me. I think Tony Dungee needs to get in TW's camp.

That would make sense on so many levels. Much of which for me are not positive...But that is for a different debate.

I think he should show up at the 2012 demo day at Grand Cypress since he live down the road and hit some of the equipment..:banana: Although the Nike Pro Combos are getting some great reviews

He would be asked to leave of course. THP Demo Days are for forum members only.