I'm going to be a Georgia Peach!!


Lady of Leisure
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
Greater Atlanta Area
Back9 Beer
I'm so excited!! As of sometime mid November I will be living far south of the Mason-Dixon line!! :egyptian:

Yesterday, after interviews in Boston, Orlando, Washington DC, Atlanta, Chicago and LA, I accepted a position with a company in Atlanta.

It means that I am going to be hanging with Kelly, Ole Gray, DawgDaddy, T0AD at the goat track every few weekends and not have to hop on a plane to do it!!

It means I get to golf more than 5 months a year, more like 11 months a year or more.

It mean NO MORE SHOVELING SNOW FOR 4+ months a year (OK, yea, I know it snows in Atlanta every 100 yrs)

I am really happy, except now I have to pack up my apartment... that part sucks.

BUT in 6 weeks, I get to turn in the CT drivers license and get me a Georgia one. WHOO HOOO!!!
Lucky you! Golf all year round! I'm so jelly!
Congrats Mary!!! I am sure after looking at some many opportunities you chose one that is best for you. I wish you the absolute best in this new opportunity.
Congrats and good luck in your new job, Mary!
Congrats Mary! Welcome to being a NE transplant. There are plenty of us south of the Mason Dixon.
What are you going to be doing and which area of Atlanta are you going to be living in? Don't forget Mary, there's a couple PGA SuperStores in the ATL!!!!
congrats Mary. im kinda jealous of the golf part. i like the snow though, id prob miss it..... on second thought i could just watch it on TV at the turn!
Looking forward to hearing about it soon!

^^^^^^ I Tapped That ^^^^^^
MAJOR congrats Mary!!!!
Congrats Mary!

Congrats on the new job Mary! It will be the Sweet Georgia Peaches against the two Old Porch Rockers (DD and OG) or maybe you and Toad against me and Mrs. Graybush. Who knows but we will have a blast no matter what. Too bad you can't make it in time for the Georgia Get Together.
Congrats! Hope things go well
Congrats on the new gig Mary. Wife and I have been pondering a move further south for a loooooooong time and Atlanta has always been on the radar. What will you be doing?
Oh man, this is awesome!!! I am so happy fir you! That means we will get to tee it up!

TapaTalk: hlping me mak horrid speelling mistakes sense 2110.
Congrats on the new job and digs there Mary!!
That's great news Mary! I'll be playing golf vicariously this winter! Good luck with the new job! :)
Congrats Mary, the Atl is great! Good courses, good food and good people.

Congrats and enjoy your Atlanta winters! Sounds like a blast
Congratulations. Sounds exciting.

Georgia is awesome! And Atlanta can get a decent amount of snow for being a southern state, haha.

Tappin' away from my DROIDX.
Congrats!!!! and honk when you pass Maryland on the way down. If you end up going over the Bay bridge tunnel for whatever reason. PM me for a few good places to stop and eat.
Congrats and good luck!
Congrats Mary, wish I were moving with you!
Good luck! New England will miss you!