Morgan Cup - Trash Talk Thread

OK good. In all seriousness, I'm really looking forward to serving up a beat down to you on the golf course. We'll have a blast for sure, win lose or draw we usually have fun in my matches.

Quoted because it is fact.
You have no credibility in this or any other MC thread, you realize that right? You are quickly following your "Special Duo" partner with the road travelled and it is quite comical to see. You said when you got in the MC, we would see a nice meal of meat. You tried to go down the selective amnesia aspect of life until called out on it, which was disappointing to say the least.

You might be the 2nd guy we call AHA!

And I do not have credibility why? Because I have not eaten meat on video for you or because I don't have the "wow factor" seal of outing approved?

I can't do anything about the outing until May but I am a man of my word and just asked for suggestions in the last 15 minutes. You have suggestions on the meat?
Cookie with the Texas Flag wrapped around his nether regions, classic
Well that's a good thing, you need to pack on a few lbs. I think I was playing golf against this guy.

Oh yeah and about AHA. Ain't gonna happen. For the simple fact that I would not hurt the team known as Team Hackers as they were hurt last year BADLY when they lost him and had somebody try to fill in.
Well that's a good thing, you need to pack on a few lbs. I think I was playing golf against this guy.


You should be banned for this nastiness! Cookie eat some meat stat!
Watching people buckle in this thread is even more amusing than last time. The big gulps you can hear across the interwebz, the keys getting punished, the sighs of relief when the thread shifts and the thoughts of "did I bite off more than I can chew" are all so much fun. And that is just cookie.
You should be banned for this nastiness! Cookie eat some meat stat!

Dude - that's really not me. Jake - stay away from my Facebook you punk!! LOL

Protein powder time I suppose....
Watching people buckle in this thread is even more amusing than last time. The big gulps you can hear across the interwebz, the keys getting punished, the sighs of relief when the thread shifts and the thoughts of "did I bite off more than I can chew" are all so much fun. And that is just cookie.

No way...I am having too much fun with this.

JB "winning the Morgan Cup in the trash talk thread since 2011."
WOW fair play you can google "irish slang" have you ever heard the one "pog mo thoin"

Man, I am going to need a translator for this match...Yes, I believe I am familar with that phrase DHJ....and I will politely decline...just like nobody wants to see Jake go shirtless....nobody wants to see your hairy arse either :D
SW can't even copy/paste correctly. TP is done before 2012
SW can't even copy/paste correctly. TP is done before 2012

Especially with the weak sauce of "I'll be your huckleberry". Is that even trash talk or just another love message?

Tappin' from my iPad!
I think you'll be the first person to be kicked out of the Morgan Cup for throwing clubs

Never happen. I think you may have me confused with someone on Team THP.

Oh no, I predict you'll be the first player in Morgan Cup history to face murder charges after hearing a slight chuckle from your opponent after yet another whiff.

Well, since that has already happened, we'll say twice, but, I pay people for that now. My alibi will be air tight.
LOL at yorwhiffen trying to bring some sorry comebacks. Unlike Chunky we don't find you intimidating at all!
Never happen. I think you may have me confused with someone on Team THP.

Hanks is the other option, but I bet he doesn't throw one till Sunday. I'd be surprised to see you make the afternoon matches on Saturday
You said when you got in the MC, we would see a nice meal of meat. You tried to go down the selective amnesia aspect of life until called out on it, which was disappointing to say the least.

I think Cookie needs to eat a big thick rare steak!
LOL at yorwhiffen trying to bring some sorry comebacks. Unlike Chunky we don't find you intimidating at all!

So you are intimidated by me Hawk? I figured as much
Hanks is the other option, but I bet he doesn't throw one till Sunday. I'd be surprised to see you make the afternoon matches on Saturday

If you are so sure, lets lay down a wager, because I know it won't happen. Go ahead and start back pedaling whenever you are ready.
Hi, SW! If you expect me to copy/paste that fail of a video post into my browser you are going to be disappointed.

Lol foiled by Tapatalk again. It puts up more of a fight than team thp.

SW can't even copy/paste correctly. TP is done before 2012

Hey you, just because I'm not an expert at pounding out post with a broken keyboard...

Especially with the weak sauce of "I'll be your huckleberry". Is that even trash talk or just another love message?

Tappin' from my iPad!

Weak sauce, is that what you put on your tofurkey? Go eat some grass.

Smalls my good man I will see you in July, you and me head to head similar HC's both Callaway staffers. lets be having ya buddy !!!!!!
Let's get this done!

You know what...I think I will make that a full threesome.....all three Callaway staffers...all with similar HC's....Me, Smalls and the Irishman, Let's do this!
Let's get this done, part 2!

I need a Paradise rival.
Hawk, there is no one on Team Paradouche who can rival you on the course or in this thread. At either place, it's basically a BYE for you!

No problem TBT. I'll gladly take a point from each of ye. I'm sure the Capt's can sort this for us. Team Hackers off to a 2 point lead already
Clearly that's the liquor talking.

Look at the Paradouchian Captain jumping into the fray. Good for you! Now sit down, shut up, and let the grown ups talk.
This is actually pretty funny. How were you able to type this with a broken keyboard?

Won't happen. Notice this is the trash talk thread not the actual I gotta back it up thread.

That's the problem with Team THP....they seem to think the cup is won in this thread. Simply not the case. Deep down they know it's won on the course and having only 3 guys able to pull points all weekend simply ain't gonna cut it.
The cup was won when they announced who is on TH and TP. All we are doing now is biding our time until we hoist the cup in victory.

Video fail. Big time. It's even worse when the link actually works when quoted but not in the original post.

I can't do anything about the outing until May but I am a man of my word and just asked for suggestions in the last 15 minutes. You have suggestions on the meat?
A nice Prime Rib should do the trick!
Smalls with an epic colonel assault!