Worst day ever!!!

anytime something really bad happens to me (and I won't lie it happens a lot) I just keep saying that everything happens for a reason.

That statement didn't work when my dog died. I just didn't understand when my parents said that to me.
That statement didn't work when my dog died. I just didn't understand when my parents said that to me.

I'm kidding GG. that statement is probably true though.

Except you're in high school, so you're entitled to your existentialist phase. For a real pick-me-up (not), go read Sartre. Or Camus.

I guess that's not helping. Sorry. :quiet:
The Stranger. Meh.

It always amazes me that he said, "In the midst of winter I learned there was within me an invincible summer."

Of course, he also thought Sisyphus was happy.
And the thread has been officially de-railed.

I'm counting down the days to Arizona. 6 days!
It actually did take awhile to de-rail.

Anyone every have that cold where the inside of your nose and throat just burns? And you try to sneeze but you can't? I have that right now.
It actually did take awhile to de-rail.

Anyone every have that cold where the inside of your nose and throat just burns? And you try to sneeze but you can't? I have that right now.

Nope. But I've had a nasty cough for a week now, it's terrible.
And the thread has been officially de-railed.

I'm counting down the days to Arizona. 6 days!

I didn't derail it. I was trying to be philosophical. You're supposed to be an existentialist in your teens.
I can't even understand your sentence, those words are too big.

I was thinking the same thing...hahah

*goes to thesaurus.com*
Years from now you can look back on this & will realize that while it may be your worst day ever right now, it's a far cry from being terrible. Better & worse days are in all of our futures.
Years from now you can look back on this & will realize that while it may be your worst day ever right now, it's a far cry from being terrible. Better & worse days are in all of our futures.

I realize that, but I'm only 16. This is just about as bad as a 16 year old's day can get.
I feel like a nerd, sadly I completely understood that sentence.

Good for you. I can't seem to find the quote (Harry? WSE?), but it was Churchill who said something about anyone who isn't a Socialist at age 20 has no heart and anyone who isn't a conservative at age 40 has no brain.
Good for you. I can't seem to find the quote (Harry? WSE?), but it was Churchill who said something about anyone who isn't a Socialist at age 20 has no heart and anyone who isn't a conservative at age 40 has no brain.

I'm gunna have to think about that one for a bit. I'll get back to you on that.
I must be the Tin Man then because I was a conservative at 20!

Claire, I found this here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&contentId=A43103-2001Jun8&notFound=true

Heartfelt Politics

Charles Krauthammer [op-ed, May 25] quotes Winston Churchill as saying, "If you're not a liberal when you're 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when you're 40, you have no head."

This quotation is frequently but mistakenly attributed to Churchill. It is anyway unlikely that Churchill would subscribe to this philosophy: He was a swashbuckling soldier at 20, and a Conservative member of Parliament at 25. A couple of years later he switched to the Liberal Party (which was not liberal in the modern sense), and later went back to the Conservatives.

The phrase originated with Francois Guisot (1787-1874): "Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head." It was revived by French Premier Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929): "Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head."

-- Peter Rutland
As always, Smallie, you come to my rescue!
Anything for Claire!
anytime something really bad happens to me (and I won't lie it happens a lot) I just keep saying that everything happens for a reason. It made be a load of crap but it makes me feel better.

Basic philosiphy of Zen- When negative things happen to you, you tell yourself it is the best thing that has ever happened to you. If you come to believe this, you have turned the negative into a positive. Therefore, only positive things will happen to you. You control what happens to you through your ability over the physical actions.
Basic philosiphy of Zen- When negative things happen to you, you tell yourself it is the best thing that has ever happened to you. If you come to believe this, you have turned the negative into a positive. Therefore, only positive things will happen to you. You control what happens to you through your ability over the physical actions.

Or early Tom Robbins, "You can change reality by altering your perception of it."

Given that it's early Tom Robbins, that may involve heavy use of hallucinogens.