
Call me DR.J
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys I was looking around on the internet for a good golf net that I could hit balls into and save loads of money from taking less trips to the driving range and I found THIS:


It looks like a really great net and all but for almost $1000??? Thats a bit too much for a friggin net. So I've been thinking about building one of these nets myself, and I don't think it would be too hard, I think it would just take some PVC pipe which would cost about $20 or so for all the PVC and about $10 for the the fittings, and maybe $50 for the net which you could zip tie to the PVC pipe. Its completely buildable. What do you guys think about this "Net Return"?
We had one down at work years ago before I started working there. They made it with steel pipe (we are an ammonia refrigeration company so this stuff was readily available) and welded it together. It was about 10' x 10' and someone came up with a mat to hit off of. I don't know what ever happened to it. I used it a few times.

I think you could do it. Of course, you need someplace to store it.
I think there is another version of the same thing out there for a lot less.

But for me, I need to see ball flight.
Why is the guy on the site hitting into a net at the range? It does look like a nice net though, but I would not pay 1000 for it.
$1000 would get me unlimited driving range sessions for 20 years...
i saw some nets at Golfsmith that were fairly inexpensive. cant remember how much they were though
Where can you find that Harry? I didn't spend a lot of time looking. I figured he just accidentally added two nets to his cart.
OK, thanks. Yes, that's probably where he came up with that price!
My range just got that indoors and those nets are awesome and they do what they say! I think he only paid $400 for it though.
A visit to you local Army Surplus store for some netting, some electrical conduit tubing, and fittings from your local hardware store (or swap meet) and you are in business. I have a 12' X 12' that returns the ball to me. I think I spent $30 for everything 3 years ago. I have a friend down the street that has a big dome tent he bought for $29, and hung a rug from the ceiling that he hits balls into. He just cut away more of the front of the tent to open up more hitting area. A little imagination can save you a ton of money on just about any golf training aid. It seems that these manufacturers think that just because the product is golf related, it should cost and "arm & leg". Now, if I could just find that special hinge the Medicus folks use. ....:clapp: I think that hinge is the only real secret left in golf...lol:banana: