What was your first set of clubs?

My first set were some Knight Virage clubs that I bought at Wal-Mart. They were a set of SGI clubs that had irons with huge, ugly heads; but they were so easy to hit.
Back in those days, I bought all of my golf stuff at Wal-Mart and I also had a Wilson Augusta putter (basically a Titleist Bullseye clone).
It was a set that served me well and for $200, I couldnt complain.
aaah, thats another classic first time golfer set: Knight. as well as Northwestern, heh
aaah, thats another classic first time golfer set: Knight. as well as Northwestern, heh
I had a couple Northwestern putters. :D They were basically Ping Anser clones.
My favorite one was all black and had a copper insert in the face. Infact, my brother still has his old set of Northwestern graphite-shafted clubs and has that very putter in that set.
ping eye 2's all the way around with an anser putter in a ping bag baby!...well wait...actually my first, first set i used where my dads...he was left handed.... then after playing a few rounds lefty, an uncle asked me if i was left handed and i said NO, so he said...here take these (pings)....
The first set I ever played with were my dad's mid-70's MacGregor blades and persimmon woods. Couldn't hit crap with them, but boy to I still remember that red leather bag. My dad's company gave out golf balls to clients, and he always used to bring home Spalding Cro-Flites with the company logo on them. I have one left on my mantle, but I know where several dozen more are in cold storage. They're in about 20' of water to the right of the #5 tee box...
My first ever club was a kid 7 iron I would take to the driving range with my dad. Basically I would shank everything off the side barriers!

Then about 5 years ago I told my dad I wanted to learn to really play. He was so excited we went a bought clubs, shoes, bag etc. I was the one that said we shouldn't get anything too expensive, just in case I didn't like it. So we bought a women's starter set, The Golden Bear. Not too bad of clubs, but totally wrong for me. I used to get crazy blisters once I really started playing and couldn't play back to back days. Eventually figured out the women's grips were too small for my hands which was really affecting my swing, needless to say also causing the blisters. Also eventually found out with my swing speed I should be playing men's regular shafts.

This is why I always encourage people, even for their first set (maybe more importantly so it isn't too frustrating) to get a few things measured to find what type of clubs are right for them.
My first real set was a set of ping eye 2 irons that were my dads from a long time ago. I didnt know anything about the ping fitting system but i liked that they had the blue dot because bue was my favorite color.