Forum Testing Signup - Pro Mental Coach

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Very awesome. This is so much more important than equipment, IMO.

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Not the first one. But, it can build up. I just played in my city championship and it seemed to get worse every day, even though I was trying to relax.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Yes, especially in tournament rounds.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No.
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes.
This is really cool. Saw it on Golf Channel this morning.

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Sometimes. It really depends on how bad it was, sometimes I just roll with my misses.
2. Do you struggle with putting? I would say not for my handicap. It's one of the clubs I'm more confident with.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes
Great opportunity here from THP and Pro Mental Coach.

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? I usually take a moment to think about what went wrong and how I could change it and make it better and then I try to forget about it so it doesn't affect my round.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Depends, I have good days and bad days, but with my new putter I feel confident on the greens.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No I haven't but it's something I'd be interested in doing as my mental game isnt the best!
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes I do, I try to help other members of the forum and give as much input as I can.
Very interesting. Sounds perfect for my game.
1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Yes, too often and it takes me a hole or two to forget and reset. Sometimes too many holes.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Speed yes. Sometimes too tentative for my own good and don't give the ball enough good looks at the cup.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No. Actually, once a number of years ago for sales performance, but that was motivation more than coaching.
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Active participant yes!
1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? It comes and goes for me. Usually if I am having a bad round, the bad shots tend to pile on. This is one part of my game I am trying to improve on which I believe will help it out greatly.

2. Do you struggle with putting? Never really consistent, it seems to me my putting depends on how much practice I have had lately. Somedays I pretty good, and others I two and three Pitt everything.

3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? Have not, but something I am going to look into.

4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? I am logged in a lot, and am trying to post more and more every day.

Thanks THP and Pro Mental Coach, I feel like this could give me the bump I need to improve my game.
1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot?
Yes, this is something I really struggle with at times. I will be playing well and one bound shots can tank a whole round.
2. Do you struggle with putting?
Yes, I have the ability to putt well, but more often than not I just don't have it.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach?
No I haven't, but every time I hear about PGA players and their mental coaches I know I need one.
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP?
Absolutely. I'm here and post nearly everyday.
Very interesting testing opportunity here.

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Yes, I am the epitome of emotional roller coaster on the golf course. It's something I have always struggled with and I am constantly trying to stay on an evil keel. I focus too much on what I DON'T want to do, instead of what I DO want to do. I grind a lot and my game suffers because so.

2. Do you struggle with putting? Yes, I have admittedly been a very inconsistent putter. I have streaks, but nothing that is going to take me to the next level.

3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No.

4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes.

Thanks for the opportunity.
This one seems pretty interesting. I've watched some of the videos off the website and think it could be helpful. I do fancy myself a brain and behavior specialist like these folks claim to be.
Hmm...tell me more

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Usually not after one, but get a few in the row and I get into a little funk.

2. Do you struggle with putting? I think it's getting better but it's streaky
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? I work on some relaxation techniques and trying to stay queued in during my play, no official coaching.
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? I could be better in some of the threads. I've been playing and talking a lot more golf, so that really helps.
1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? No, not really.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Yes, sometimes
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes
I will be interested in seeing the results of this testing. I would apply, but have a lesson package with GolfTec that is takng up my time. Good luck applicants!
Sounds very interesting, I definitely get down on myself after some bad shots.

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Most definitely. Not really after just one shot, but if I have a bad hole I really get down on myself and that can carry over for another hole or two.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Yes I do, my speeds are better now but I am not that great at reading putts. I think part of it is that I don't take enough time and really think about my line, I just guess and go for it.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No I have not
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? I consider myself to be very active on THP

Thanks for this great opportunity, this sounds like a very interesting testing opportunity. For the cost of a couple lessons this could definitely be worth it, the mental aspect of golf is where the low rounds come from.
1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Not as hard on myself as I use d to be, but I still do to some extent.

2. Do you struggle with putting? I actually consider myself a better than average putter.

3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No, but I can certainly see the benefits of a mental coach. I could stand to be less negative and more confident.

4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes.

Thank you THP and Pro Mental Coach for another great testing opportunity.
This is going to be one VERY interesting testing! Thanks to THP and Pro Mental Coach!!!

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot?

After a single one, I try to brush it off, but when they show up in bunches I tend to get more self-deprecating.

2. Do you struggle with putting?

Yes. I can be so streaky with the putter It's weird. One moment I can just "feel it" and the next I can just lose it.

3. Have you ever tried a mental coach?

No. In fact, I've never had a golf coach or lesson.

4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP?

I definitely consider myself an active and supportive THPer.
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1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot?
- I would say I have 4 or 5 shots that I get down on my self per round.

2. Do you struggle with putting?
- one day I'll putt great others not so great. I would say know that I'm thinking of it I putt worse on the days that I'm harder on my self when my long game is poor.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach?
- I have not tried a mental coach before.

4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP?

Tappin from GS3
I could have used a pro mental coach today.
Very interesting!
1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? I do when it happens but I think I let it go fairly well.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Some days I do. My putting is getting better.
3.have you ever tried a mental coach? Yes, it was in a previous career. It was focused on staying positive in when things wasn't going as planned.
4.Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes
Pretty cool looking product! Thanks for the opportunity!

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? One shot no. But a bad shot on 2 or 3 consecutive holes (not necessarily consecutive shots) can get me down.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Generally yes, its probably the weakest part of my game right now.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes
Very cool opportunity!

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? I try not to, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Off and on, yes.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? I have not, but I have been intrigued by the idea.
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes
Cool product and I love me a training aid!

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Big time. I will kill myself for 3 holes after a bad shot

2. Do you struggle with putting? Again, big time. If I miss an early putt I am done for the day

3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? I just spoke with my instructor about getting some mental lessons but I have not as of yet

4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes
Love that this can be used by the MAC crowd as well. Looking fwd to hearing more about it and how much impact it can make. Thinking we all need some help on the mental side.

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? Of course, I dont play as often as I'd like so I always want to make the most of each shot.

2. Do you struggle with putting? Yes, I am pretty streaky and if I get off to a bad start, it can be a brutal day on the greens

3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No, I have read a few books by Dr Bob Rotella, but thats the closest thing I have to a mental coach.

4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes
Another good testing opportunity...

1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? I do but I think my "hiccups" are mechanical. I know they go hand in hand but do I need to fix the mechanical or mental first?
2. Do you struggle with putting? I think so
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? Not tried but I am close friends with a mental training coach for the MMA.
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes I do
1. Do you get down on yourself after a bad shot? A little bit, usually have an idea what I did wrong and trying to correct hindsight.
2. Do you struggle with putting? Not really, have fun with it.
3. Have you ever tried a mental coach? No, I have not.
4. Do you consider yourself an active poster on THP? Yes, yes I do.

LtEvO TaPpEd
Bump to get this back on the main page. Plenty of time to still sign up for this great opportunity.
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