9/11. Let us never forget


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Jul 8, 2012
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We all can remember where we were and what we were doing. Take a moment just reflect on how you felt that day
I remember walking into school in 7th grade and seeing the TVs that ususally broadcast our "school news" turned onto CNN and I walked in and looked up exactly as the second plane hit. I had no idea what was going on, but there was a lot of chaos at our school that day.

It was such a sad day in history and one that none of us will ever forget
We were sent home early from Kindergarten. I had no clue what was going on.
I still remember leaving early from 5th grade an being happy until I turned the tv on at home and saw the twin towers standing in smoke and seeing that image of the airplanes flying into the buildings. It's a sad day but something we all need to remember
I was in study hall and I remember we were watching the coverage and saying to my friend that looks like another plane just before the second tower was struck.
We were about to start a meeting here at work and some of our staff whose office is off campus heard it on the radio. They told us a plane had hit the World Trade Center, that was all we knew. The minute the meeting was over a couple of us went up to one of the patient floors at the hospital because they had TV's in the waiting room. We got there right around the time of the 2nd plane hitting. We sat there almost all day with just a numb feeling and a blank stare. What a horrible day that was. Hard to believe it's been 11 years.

I have to share a friend of mine's Facebook status this morning, I think it's spot on.

11 years ago today our nation experienced the worst tragedy in its history, yet, in some ways I long for the feeling of unity the country experienced in the rebuilding. We weren't divided by race, religion, socioeconomic status or political party. We weren't liberals and conversatives and we weren't republican and democrats, rich and poor. We were all Americans, united with a common purpose. I hope we can get back to that feeling of unity without having to endure another tragedy. The loss of American lives on 9-11 is something that will always break our hearts, but equally saddening is how divisive we've become as a society in the last decade
A day I will never forget.

Amen!!! I am at the airport waiting to board a flight right now.

I was at work and everyone was standing around a TV and some were crying. It was really hard to comprehend what had just occurred. I had plane tickets for the next day to see my future wife. I left work and started driving and listened to the news reports on the way. Heard reports of people jacking up gas prices but never had any issues.
I was at home, getting ready to go to Marketing Class at Kent State, my girlfriend (now wife) called me to turn on the TV, I couldnt believe it.

Drove to class, people sobbing all over the place, everyone showed up and they sent us all home.
Oddly enough I was heading to airport when this happened 11 years ago and things really got crazy for a while.

I was in college. Woke up with the gf (wife now) and we watched it on tv. Went to class and could not focus at all.
I was in my second year of college at UNC-Greensboro. My room mate had left for class and had left our door ajar and a good friend came bursting into the room out of breath telling me to get the TV on.

I turned it on just before the second tower fell. We had a strong group of friends and we all spent the day in our room (biggest tv at the time) watching all the coverage wondering what was going on in our lives.

Today is a great day to remember but also to give thanks to all those who've served prior to and since this harrowing incident.
Don't just remember, remember to be thankful

Don't just remember, remember to be thankful

Just wanted to start a quick thread to say thanks to everyone who's served this great country. Before / During & Since 9/11/01.

I believe today is a great day to remember, but while remembering having a chance to say thank you is paramount as well.

The tragedy of 9/11 shook our nation to the core, I imagine a similar effect (with more media obviously) as Pearl Harbor.

My deepest thanks to everyone who's served.
agreed, our brother in law went on three tours to iraq and so did our uncle. The reason we are free today is because of the men and women that have served our country. Honestly we are lucky to live in this country!
I was in seventh grade, they put the whole school in the auditorium and told us that a plane had crashed into the WTC (only 1 at that point I think) and I didn't really understand, they didn't mention anything about terrorism. We lived in Northern VA and then the Pentagon got hit and my mom pulled me and my bro out of school.
I was a sophomore in college and remember getting out early from class. My professor wasn't there and we watched a movie and when we got out all my buddies said, "Where have you been? Have you heard what has happened?" Thats when I heard about the first plane then saw the second hit. A day I will never forget. It changed the world forever. Never Forget!
A good reminder for all of us, I remember exactly where I was and will for the rest of my life.
I was still in the Army when this happened. I worked in the Battalion's intelligence section. That morning we were having our quarterly secured documents inspection. Usually we will have CNN on during the work day but during inspections we turn it off. Our NCOIC (Non-commissioned officer in charge) was on bed rest, she was 8 months pregnant. She called, I answered the phone. She instructed me to turn on our TV, and to tell the inspectors to be prepared to stop the inspection. The second plane hit shortly after. I will never forget the first words out of her mouth once the plane hit. S@#t, we are at war! I was instructed to get out the secure phones and net devices out and get all devices out to the companies as fast as I could. The next 48 or so hours were a blur.

Funny side bar. I was responsible to get everyone's security clearance up to date. About a month before I was about to submit about 20 people for renewals. There were two ways to get them through an expedited way and a slow way. I asked which one we did and was told it did not matter, they would do it whatever way they were authorized to do. So I checked the expedited box. Well that was a big no no. I was in deep trouble for spending about 3 years worth of clearance budget in one submission. On September 12 I was the smartest man in the battalion. The clearances just came in earlier that week and everyone was ready to deploy.
I was in my third year of college. No early classes that day so I had slept in and gotten up for Chapel at 10:30 am and arrived to find everyone milling around and talking and a number of people crying and was then told what had been going on (after the 2nd plane hit). I didn't see a TV for another hour to really start to catch up on the live events. Was a crazy day (and week that followed).
I actually was on the golf course and missed most of it live. I heard a bit on the radio as I was getting to the course but just thought it was a fire in the building. When we finished boy were we wrong..........
I was in my second year of law school getting ready for class when I saw the report of the first plane hitting the tower. I remember the initial report was that it was a small plane, not a large jet. Then, the second plane hit. It sounds over-dramatic, but the world changed after that.

I have flown on 9/11 the past two years. Last year, I was sitting in Philadelphia's airport during the broadcast of the 9/11 tribute. Everyone in the concourse -- everyone -- stopped during the moment of silence. It was impressive and incredibly somber at the same time.

This year felt a little more relaxed. Security was still tighter than usual at the airport, and everyone was generally quiet, but people still made their way through the morning. It was a 7:30 a.m. flight to Atlanta, and there is usually not much talking on early morning flights anyway, but you could hear a pin drop the entire flight. Everyone still remembers.
I took this when I was in NYC last month for work.

I remember I was at work and my boss came running into the warehouse says a plane just hit the world trade center. We went into a conference room and watched a TV in there. We saw the second plane hit, it was very scary stuff indeed. I have some great pic's of the new tower and memorial i'll post them in a bit.