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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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THP Experiences
A couple of years ago I met someone that changed my life forever. Sorry Harry & CM, not you guys. A person that taught me to be a better person. A person that taught me to love, like, and cherish. A person that made me want to strive to work harder than ever before. A person that eventually became my wife.

Along the way, THP came into existence and although she was not thrilled at first, (because she came home and I said "honey I started a golf website) she later embraced it and loved it like I do. Throughout our time together, THP has been there. From our trips for vacation, for work, and even our wedding, THP has been there.

90 days ago, my beautiful fiancee became my beautiful wife and I love her more now than the minute we met. (although I was intoxicated, so I really loved her that night)

Happy Anniversary Morgan. I love you with all my heart.
That just made me cry....although it's good to know the first time he met me he doesn't really remember me ha ha. This has been the best 3 months of my life :kissing: I know I know, stupid newlyweds....but I plan to cherish this time for as long as I can!
Hey JB...
With creative writing skills like that, I am going to bet that you write her poetry as well???

I am man enough to say I wrote a poem for my wife every other week for the first 6 months of our serious dating......that was 12 years and 1 son ago...and still going strong..

Congrats on the 90 days..!!
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Nope no poems.
Congrats you two!
Awww you kids--take it in another room. :kissing:
Congrats on three months. Remember the months thing only works the first year, then it's just years!
From one who has more than 3650 under his belt, congrats on the first 90 days!
Congrats!!!! You guys make this forum very fun and we are all happy for you! We wish you the best and many, many more days to come!
90 days already? wow that was fast...

didn't you guys just get married like two weeks ago? :D
90 days already? wow that was fast...

didn't you guys just get married like two weeks ago? :D

It's that U.S./Canadian exchange rate Dent. It always messes me up too. :D
Dang JB, after 31 + years I can't say stuff like that. She'd think I was just trying to get out of doing the dishes or something...
Conrats to the both of you, and keep that feeling for as long as you can.

Even now my wife and I keep track not only of our wedding anniversary, but also the day we met - and we're going on 34+ years married.
Congrats JB and GG!
Belated congrats! Sounds like you two have a great thing going. Being relatively new to the married gig myself, I have no words of wisdom.. I will say, my wife will never see this thread, because she'd hit me and say "SEE, why can't you be more like JB!?" :) Ofcourse, I'd reply with a slap of my own and say "SEE, why can't you be more supportive of my golf business!"

It'd go south from there... :) :)
Congrats JB & GG! Here is too many more days ahead.