Official Golfing Weather Thread

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Chilly out now, but it's supposed to get up to the 60s later. Not sure if I'm going to be able to get out though.
40 today but 50 tomorrow, walking 18 tomorrow afternoon
Good deal there Mike. The wind is crazy here right now. I need to get out for sure if it slows below 20mph
Supposed to be 38 partly sunny today but wind gusts up to 25mph so yeah I am going to play tomorrow.
Course closed here for snow. Nothing like the stuff you guys are getting in the states, but enough to cancel my morning! Boo

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About 20 degrees here now but warming up to the mid 40s here and Sunny. So I will be layering up and headed out funny though I might need sunscreen. Hmm
Very slight chance of rain. Sunny, temps around 70, winds 10-15.
Frost delay damn I figured that was going to happen today but it is warming up fast.
I bet you folks up in the Northeast are having a heck of a time testing equipment this time of year!
26" of snow and lost power for 36hrs with no heat and 6* temps at night. Thank god for the fireplace!! All is well now in our house, hosting some family who still doesn't have power back. Hope to be back in the simulator mid week!

On my iPhone T.. T.. Tapatalking away!
Should be golfing today but I have a lunch meeting that I had to move to today instead of Monday.
Wind wind go away
I have a lot of golf to play
If you don't, I will care
Go go under armor and an extra pair of underwear.
Temps are dropping..Gonna be in the low to mid 60's and windy tomorrow... Damn, I've been spoiled.....
We had snow in the air today, but expecting 60* on Sunday, lol. I hope to get out there for my first 2013 round, although the greens will likely still be a big frozen.
I can't wait till I can post my golfing weather in here. Because that will mean winter is over and I can actually play.
It was over fifty degrees just south of Boston today but unfortunately even after a week of decent melting there is still roughly a foot of snow or more still lying around. darn blizzard.
We have a little bit of snow coming in, only about half an inch. But tomorrow is shot since it's only supposed to get up to about 38*.
Off Monday, 54* ill be golfing!
Not looking good for me tomorrow. Snow now and 35 degrees tomorrow.

24*, snow flurries. :angry:
50-65, clear, winds up to 25
37 degree wind chill right now, I feel like I'm back in D.C. it's rediculous!
38* today, too cold to golf
At tee time it looks like it will be:

29° and overcast, little to no wind
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