one key to hitting woods

As long as I make a good turn back I just relax and lead with the hips the rest follows.
Tempo Tempo Tempo, take it back low and slow and bring it down the same way..
I just always think of a wood off the deck as an iron shot and then of course...keep that head still. When I top woods off the deck it is almost always because my head is already looking through the target.
What's your one key to hitting fairway woods and hybrids solid off the deck? I've been topping EVERYTHING.

Biggest problem MOST people have is trying to help the ball up into the air. Second problem (which relates back to the first problem) is the dreaded "chicken wing" in your left elbow. Third problem is ball position.

You have to stay down and through the shot. Not swing down or hit down, there's a difference. Topping usually occurs because of the "chicken wing". Don't try to help the ball into the air, the club face is designed to that for you. To fix the "chicken wing" you have to extend your left fore-arm through the shot and have elbow in the downward or inward (toward your body) position. Swing the club with ONLY your left arm and practice not letting the elbow go away from your body. Stick a headcover under your left arm towrd your breast too if you like and don't let it fall out when you swing.

Ball position should be 1 - 2" back of your driver position (which should be close to your left instep). If you play it too far back your going to be attacking too steeply and you'll wind up putting too much backspin on the ball and it won't go anywhere.

practice 3/4 shots till you get the hang of it and it should improve your fairway wood/hybrid game...
Lee Westwood chicken wings every shot. He's pretty good.
Lee Westwood chicken wings every shot. He's pretty good.

Lee's got chicken wing after impact though, there's a difference...

But you're right, he's pretty good!