Official 2013 THP Golf Outing & Demo Day Details - The Ultimate Weekend of Golf

I think Cookie and I had a similar plan last year, haha. It lasts for about 30 seconds...cause someone will run over with something and say, "YOU HAVE TO HIT THIS!"

I had a plan until I saw just how much gear was there, equipment overload! Then just like Ryan said, hey hit this, try this.

A plan is only good if you can adhere to it. :D
I'm making my list of essentials for demo day. Large jug of Geritol for post round pick me up, 12 pack of Depends for wear during day with Loud Mouth shorts, prune juice for nightly cocktail, and cowboy hat for those hawt days in the sun :cowboy::thumb:

I've got my list ready. It goes -

Sun lotion.

I think the live streaming part of the Demo Day will actually help in this regard. Being able to give a one-off, from the gut reaction immediately might help get thoughts together for a writeup later.

Absolutely agree. It'll be interesting to see the trends too, as people start buzzing about certain clubs. The live streaming element will definitely make things interesting.
My poor notepad never stood a chance. Scribbles here and there and could barely read my notes. Haha

This! I had the notepad and a pocket voice recorder and was so caught up in it all that I forgot I had them for most of the day. Made it tougher to do the reviews later. I'll do better this year. :thumb:
All ready to go now, got my travel bag yesterday!!!


I pose you this, is the THP world prepared for us two in one the same time?

One thing is certain, good times shall be had.

We just don't have your discipline. Oh were in the corner practicing your MC skills (Master of Ceremony).
If you could handle the big demo day at OCN, you'll do ok here too

Yep, I do believe I'll be fine. Always amazed at the underestimating that goes on with me handling myself, I don't really get it.

I'm just ready to help people out. I love that.
It is just a normal reaction for someone who loves golf and golf equipment like you do to really enjoy the demo day. I have seeing it now for 3 years. I am not saying you are going to be running around like a crazy You will be in control of yourself, eager to help as you said but also very happy with all that is around you.
I'll be happy if I get to hit a fair amount of clubs. Wouldn't be annoyed about not hitting anything in particular, apart from the bar. It's going to be fun.
I know I'll enjoy it, that was never a enjoyment and comradery is the reason for going. But the way some of you all make me sound sometimes just boggles my mind.
I'll be happy if I get to hit a fair amount of clubs. Wouldn't be annoyed about not hitting anything in particular, apart from the bar. It's going to be fun.

I'm ready to hang out with THE Paulo!
I pose you this, is the THP world prepared for us two in one the same time?

One thing is certain, good times shall be had.
You remember when Harry met Sally?

me either

but...this is going to cause epic tremblings all over the world to be confused with an earthquake. windows will shatter and worlds will be rocked.

We just don't have your discipline. Oh were in the corner practicing your MC skills (Master of Ceremony).
dude, someone has to keep you dumb dumbs in order. the best part is announcing a contest and people just stand and stare.

Also, I will get $5 per contest from everyone for every contest this year. Goal!
Hey buddy, I want a rematch in our off hand challenge.

Nobody heckles like One-T! hahaha
you will never hang with me on opposite hand long drives.

and cookie is confused...I dont have to practice for that
I'm ready to hang out with THE Paulo!

Oh it shall be a blast! I'm very ready!

Also, I will get $5 per contest from everyone for every contest this year. Goal!

One-T's game clinic should be set up for one day only. Don't teach long game, don't teach short game - just teach game.
Oh it shall be a blast! I'm very ready!

One-T's game clinic should be set up for one day only. Don't teach long game, don't teach short game - just teach game. wouldnt learn much.
you will never hang with me on opposite hand long drives.

and cookie is confused...I dont have to practice for that

As I recall, after your first swing it was all down hill. I think I can get you this year.
Blatant lie! I learned a ton!
yeah, you and Dokkkeeen got some free help. Its cause I like you.
As I recall, after your first swing it was all down hill. I think I can get you this year.
Yeah, I still won.

I love hearing people go to demo day with a plan.

Plans never work out. Just go for some fun.

some people didnt even talk to others, they were there on a mission. which I find strange. reeeaaallly strange