Better End of the Deal


Jun 25, 2009
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Someone just asked me if I would do a favor for him if he bought me a piece of cake. I would have done it anyway - it was a simple matter of writing and faxing a letter, but I'm not one to turn down a piece of cake. I opted for carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I love cake. :cake: Do you bargain with or bribe people in your job?
First chocolate and now Carrot cake. :drool: :angry:
I always start every question off with the classic line from "Dusk til Dawn", RICHIE WILL YOU DO ME A FAVOR? But yes I am classified a manipulative person because I always get what I want lol.
I don't bribe, but I like to be lavish with praise and positive reinforcement. Plus I give my office manager lots of chair massages. I guess that means I rely on brownie points and stored up goodwill.
Carrot Cake is my favorite.
Carrot Cake is my favorite.
Mmmm... Mine too.

But back to the original question. No bribing. I get to tell people what to do. :smile:
The carrot cake was yummy and had a marzipan carrot on top.
The carrot cake was yummy and had a marzipan carrot on top.

I think I'm hungry. Dang! Only 11:15am...
As the owner of the company i get bribed :alien2::alien2:
I would rather than do it myself as I would just rather do it myself than trust someone else to do it. I also am bad at explaining exactly what I want done. If I could write what I want done rather than speak it I certainly get my point across.
I use the "stick and carrot" method.

I hit 'em with a stick, and then poke 'em with a carrot.
Now - I am having a sugar rush. The coffee isn't helping that either.
You are making me hungry Diane. I really enjoy a nice, moist cake.
You are making me hungry Diane. I really enjoy a nice, moist cake.

I love cake. I love frosting even more - butter cream or cream cheese are my favorites. I make great cupcakes - I use the recipe from the Magnolia Bakery in NYC. That's the bakery they would always show in "Sex & the City". They taste a bit like madeleines.
I love cake. I love frosting even more - butter cream or cream cheese are my favorites. I make great cupcakes - I use the recipe from the Magnolia Bakery in NYC. That's the bakery they would always show in "Sex & the City". They taste a bit like madeleines.

I am getting fatter just thinking about those tasty treats. My mouth is watering.
Dyna - These are your subordinates, not your children.

Same difference, some folks like to argue, others are habitually lazy & have zero initiative. You need to hold them by the hand every step of the way to make sure it gets down correctly if at all. Sure there are a few good ones but those are few & far between.
If buying breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner to get a favorable solution to an issue constitutes bribery, then I am guilty of feeding the worthless, and unethical folks in the world. :D
Since I run the place, I could just tell them what I want done, but I prefer to explain the reason for something to be done in terms of its benefit to us. It takes longer, but once they understand the concept, it makes my life easier and they make better decisions.

I have dictated when I couldn't get them to understand, but that is the exception.

I also praise them when they are successful. I don't give backrubs, but I've got mostly 22 to 60 year old guys in my store. Yuck!