You know what's popular these days?


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Aug 12, 2009
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SE Cheeseland
Vampires. Wow, they're everywhere, I think either Twilight or Vampire Diaries was on the cover of every gossip mag in the checkout racks at the grocery store. Laurel K. Hamilton, Octavia Butler, Stephanie Meyer, these babes are making millions selling books, not to mention Anne Rice, who's probably responsible for the whole thing. Vampires are the new Fabio. They're romance novel heroes and heroines. True Blood and The Vampire Diaries have legions of fans, some may even be undead.

Has this vampire thing been creeping up on me? I know the youths are loving vampires, are the middle aged getting on the train to Transylvania? I like a good horror movie or novel, but it's almost getting redonkulous. I tried reading Twilight to see what all the flapping was about, but I just couldn't get it done. A few weeks ago I bought a pulpish/thriller type novel. Set in Antarctica. Scientist finds some bodies frozen in the ice.

Yep. Vampires. I read it, but felt a little drained after finishing. Like someone sucked out a little bit of my intelligence. Most of it just seems like so much garbage. There was a thread here about True Blood, and I have heard that highly recommended, but man oh man, how many interesting stories about vampires can there be?

Now zombies on the other hand...., that's a premise you can sink your teeth into.

You know what's popular these days?

THP? hehe

Actually, Criminal Minds this week had a vampire theme.
I don't think I have watched anything about vampires since "The Lost Boys". Just not my thing.

Edit: Does The Count on Seasame Street count?
Edit: Does The Count on Seasame Street count?

Of course but dont forget about Count Chocula.
Or Count Blacula. If you have never seen it, its worth watching.
I think the last vampire I watched was Barnabas Collins.
Vampires are just in right now. I can kind of see the appeal of them. They are charming and attractive-looking yet they are powerful and primal.
The author of the Twilight series, Stephenie Meyer, graduated from BYU and is LDS (Mormon) so she and the books are really popular here in Utah. Over Thanksgiving break, my wife, both teenage daughters, and their various friends will be making a trek to see the movie (some for the second, or more, time).

Not ones to get caught up in all this silliness, my son and I will be at home watching some serious stuff, like Ben Ten: Alien Swarm.
I think the last vampire I watched was Barnabas Collins.

Well Barnabas was a cool vampire. Did you see the Dark Shadows movie. I did as a Saturday afternoon double feature. I recall it being much bloodier than the TV show.

Well Barnabas was a cool vampire. Did you see the Dark Shadows movie. I did as a Saturday afternoon double feature. I recall it being much bloodier than the TV show.


Nope didn't see it. I don't remember any blood from the show. Did they show any?
The author of the Twilight series, Stephenie Meyer, graduated from BYU and is LDS (Mormon) so she and the books are really popular here in Utah. Over Thanksgiving break, my wife, both teenage daughters, and their various friends will be making a trek to see the movie (some for the second, or more, time).

Not ones to get caught up in all this silliness, my son and I will be at home watching some serious stuff, like Ben Ten: Alien Swarm.

Because my daughter is a Twilightotween, I have seen the first movie at least half a dozen times. I couldn't finish the book.

Nope didn't see it. I don't remember any blood from the show. Did they show any?

Not that I recall. I remember wooden stake shooting cross bows for some reason, though that very well may have been the other half of the double feature. My memory for such things is not what it once was.

Barnabas Collins wasn't bad, but Quentin was the hot one--wasn't he the werewolf?

Boo Girl read First Blood. Took her forever. Now she wants to see the movie. I need to find a multiplex where that and the Sandra Bullock football movie are playing at the same time, so I can take both kids. The Kid knows nothing about Sandra Bullock--he only has eyes for the football player next to her.
You worry me sometimes.

I'm thinking I know what kind of Mom you are so I doubted Boo was reading True Blood or watching Stallone, and being a father of a tween, it had to be New Moon. As far as a mushy brain, mine's just clearing from the Summer.

I'm thinking I know what kind of Mom you are so I doubted Boo was reading True Blood or watching Stallone, and being a father of a tween, it had to be New Moon. As far as a mushy brain, mine's just clearing from the Summer.


Yeah, pretty much. I hate to be that transparent. Particularly when you're invincible.
I've read all the books mentioned, with exception of the Vampire Diaries series, they're next.

Presently I'm reading a series called Vampire Academy, a slightly different take on teen vamps.
Well, God bless Hubby. He dropped The Kid and a football teammate off at Blind Side and then took Boo Girl to see New Moon. As in, sat through the thing with her. At least he had the sense to realize a nine year old girl doesn't belong in a movie theatre by herself. I can't wait to hear his take on this.
Now, I saw a commercial for this New Moon yesterday. Why do all of the vampires run around with their shirts off?
I'll admit, I'm semi-caught up in the rage. But the other half and I both like the stuff we've read and watched so far. We were both Anne Rice & Blade fans though.

Funny part is, we'd both read the Twilight series (what was out so far) well before the movie was announced. We were in "release the next book already" mode before the craze hit. Watched True Blood at the urging of one of her co-workers, so we caught up on Season 1 with HBO OnDemand, liked it, and now own and have read all the books released to date.

A couple months ago, she was looking for a new batch of books to read and stumbled across the Laurell K Hamilton "Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter" series. We now have all of those books as well (17 I think?). She's read them all - took her maybe 20 days total. I'm on Book 3 I think lol.