Let the texting begin

I only remember the seven number system (not counting the area code). I do remember they used to say AT7- instead of 287- though.

The letter-number combination makes for a good password. After all, who's gonna get to your childhood phone number?
I only remember the seven number system (not counting the area code). I do remember they used to say AT7- instead of 287- though.
I remember that being atwater ours was mayfair which was 621 at least the way I remember it is that words where used for the prefix.
You wouldn't be from Mayberry would you? Was that operator named Mabel? :laughing:

My grandmother was on a party line when we first went to live with her after my father ditched us. You had to listen for the right ring grouping to know if the call was for you. It wasn't uncommon to pick up the phone and hear a couple of neighborhood ladies yakking. :rolleyes:

Pretty close. If you do the math, with only 3 digits to dial, that meant we had less than 1000 phones on that exchange. The town had about 5K people, so there were lots of households with no phone.
Texting FTW, it's gotten so bad around here my wife sent me a text last night to tell me the kids didn't have school while she was in our bedroom and I was sitting in the living room.

Nothing wrong with that. When I ruptured my achilles (summer '08) I would constantly text my fiance from the bedroom for stuff. :angel:
With BBs, we don't have to text. Hubby emails me from other rooms in the house all the time.
No wonder the rest of the world calls Americans lazy. What ever happened to good, old fashioned yelling??? :shout:

No wonder the rest of the world calls Americans lazy. What ever happened to good, old fashioned yelling??? :shout:


Ha! I enjoy yelling myself.

No wonder the rest of the world calls Americans lazy. What ever happened to good, old fashioned yelling??? :shout:

Better home insullation
No wonder the rest of the world calls Americans lazy. What ever happened to good, old fashioned yelling??? :shout:


Nah--that's only for when I'm doing dishes or laundry, or in the shower--someplace with running water so I can't possibly hear anything.