I thought all the Aliens ate at Taco Bell, and/or Chinese Buffets. :confused2:
Have you uys ever thought that maybe Aliens can only eat E Coli and that we are like their taco bell. Maybe they just have the munchies.
Ugh, is there anything worse than a Chinese Buffet?
Ugh, is there anything worse than a Chinese Buffet?

Actually, I prefer them! That way I know what I'm getting because I don't know the menu very well!
Any buffet for that matter. Think about it. Although they take great care with see through plastic/glass screens to keep folks from breathing on the food, they still allow patrons to breath on, and touch the plates/silverware. :banghead:
Ugh, is there anything worse than a Chinese Buffet?

Thanks Smalls
That's hilarious Smallie. Hmm...I need a new tin hat...
That's hilarious Smallie. Hmm...I need a new tin hat...

It's not a tin hat. It's coffee grounds wrapped in tin foil and put inside the brim of your hat. No wonder you've been having issues.
It's not a tin hat. It's coffee grounds wrapped in tin foil and put inside the brim of your hat. No wonder you've been having issues.
Since getting this update I've tried it and haven't been abducted.I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope my luck holds out.
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I'm an Earth bound extraterrestrial. Please PM me with any questions.
Is it a blessing or an insult for the et's not to take an interest in one's sphincter?
Smalls- that could be one of the funniest posts ever! :clapp:
the thread about colostonies made me think of aliens again