Colton Harris-Moore, The Barefoot Bandit.

they always say its easy to fly a plane...its the landing thats hard. which would explain why the ones he steals are always crashed/damaged
and apparently they all are practically out of fuel, barely any fuel fire remains
I read that he broke into someones house and printed off flight manuals. He also apparently used facebook at the time lol
I'd love to know how true it is that he taught himself how to fly a plane, he's either quite smart, or it's easier to fly than I think!!! Probably the former.
he can't be a stupid criminal. He always seems to be one step ahead of the authorities. I just cant believe that no one has been able to catch him so far. Even with the FBI involved now. Oh thats right...we couldn't find Bin Laden either...
I cant believe he went to the Bahamas, I mean, seems like a small place to try and hide, no?
I must say I am impressed with how he stayed on the run. However, I consider him no different then some low life tweeker who steals all of your stuff.
I see this kid's mug on the news here almost every night. Funny how he's been all over the PNW, but hasn't stolen anything from Oregon. He would get shot - lots of us Oregonians pack.
I see this kid's mug on the news here almost every night. Funny how he's been all over the PNW, but hasn't stolen anything from Oregon. He would get shot - lots of us Oregonians pack.

Let's hope he goes to your house then! Thainer would help him carry the stuff out of the house if he showed up at his place.
I cant believe he went to the Bahamas, I mean, seems like a small place to try and hide, no?

I believe it said the island he is on is mostly undeveloped so he has alot of space to hide out in. also the police activity there is very low. and come on...its the bahamas! I would rather hide out somewhere tropical than in idaho...maybe he is gonna steal a boat next and sail to south america. then he will probably never be seen again.
No, I want the video of him not making it out of the plane!

I think he's in Spain and took one in the keister in one of your daily bulls summary's.:clapp:
People on THP seem very opinionated today.... we need some pics of new clubs or even a cute puppy will suffice....
yeah something must have gotten into the water today...
could be...I definitely noticed a bit of hostility on the board today...maybe Every should have passed da kind around...
He said he did all these crash landings with airplanes.. did he not get injured in a single one or what? And usually when vehicles are reported stolen a police officer is bound to spot one and engage in a high speed chase or pull him over no?
The kid got caught this morning in the Bahamas. A couple of years on the run, and then thainer jinxed him with this thread! :bashful:
lol well done thainer!

The kid got caught this morning in the Bahamas. A couple of years on the run, and then thainer jinxed him with this thread! :bashful:
The kid got caught this morning in the Bahamas. A couple of years on the run, and then thainer jinxed him with this thread! :bashful:

So I guess that means we won't see any video of him trapped inside a plane he just crashed? That was all I was hoping for! hehehe
ah the evil side of smalls shows itself again! :D
The kid got caught this morning in the Bahamas. A couple of years on the run, and then thainer jinxed him with this thread! :bashful:

I was just thinking this when I saw the news...