Killer Beavers!?!?

9-Iron Man

Exciting Times
Mar 19, 2010
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
"Note to self, let the beavesr play through. Its just not worth it."
I've seen a bunch of geese kill a dog in the water. Yellow lab goes chasing the goose into the water, then they gang up and drown the dog. In retrospect I should a have found a ball or something to hit the geese, but it was over really quick and too late by the time I realized the dog was getting it's butt kicked.
Thats way too bad. Thats an unfortunate unforgettable experience
I've seen a bunch of geese kill a dog in the water. Yellow lab goes chasing the goose into the water, then they gang up and drown the dog. In retrospect I should a have found a ball or something to hit the geese, but it was over really quick and too late by the time I realized the dog was getting it's butt kicked.
damn those are some bad arse beavers!
Never in a million years would I have ever thought that beavers would kill anything. Almost didn't believe it when I heard it on the radio yesterday morning. But here's the proof, national news!

Sorry about that Bool! That's horrible! Geese can be quite visious though. Wouldn't think they'd attack a dog though!