Guilty Pleasures!

thoes new Wild Berry smoothies from McD's are my new addiction actully

I like the wild berry one. The one with banana has an "odd" tast/texture too me. It might just be me though.
I need to add raisinettes to the list. I just ate an entire bag in three days. I b***h about my weight and wonder why haha I blame JB!

Oh, Liz buys me those little individual boxs of raisins in the 10 pack. I eat thre or four at a time and keep some in my golf bag, lol.
I've got plenty, a few of the current faves...

Rookie Blue Pretty horrible show, but a good summer escape series.

Venti Vanilla Latte - extra shot

The Hackers Paradise Forums Thursdays and Fridays at work (don't tell), although I really like "marque groups" much more than one or two holes

9 holes before work

Trust me, there are more, but those are what I'm admitting to here :angel::angel:
Frozen Cokes from Speedway gas stations. If I go into a Speedway and the machine is in the defrost mode or out of order, I punch the person closet to me.

But I never get one bigger than 44 oz. Or smaller. I keep telling the clerks to get Coke Zero put in the machines, but apparently it's not their call. I'm probably carrying 20 pounds of Frozen Coke weight.

Oh, and ladies that post on Internet golf forums. Can't get enough of 'em.

i'll 2nd that, Oh and since my first post Ive been to McD's and have had a smoothie...
Sugar-free Popsicle brand, uh, popsicles.
Camel Menthols, chewing tobacco and Miller Lite. All three together is like a hug from the man himself.
Candy. And that covers all candy. And ice cream. Krispy Kreme donuts.
1- Oreos
2- Diet Mountain Dew
3- Ice breakers sours
4- barcardi rum
5- the history channel
6- bargain golf shopping
7- xbox
8- ebay
9- see: #4
Fountain soda. 52 oz of fountain soda pop and I'm happy as a kid in a candy store. About an inch worth of Dr. Pepper and the rest Diet Coke...YES!
i'm gonna have to throw sweet tea on my list too! i don't drink it often but when i do, i drink my weight in it!
I have to throw any and all cereal with marshmallows in it on my list. Mmmmm, I guess thats sugar again haha. Ive been waiting for the the "Lucky Charms -Oops All Marshmallows" my whole life.
I have to throw any and all cereal with marshmallows in it on my list. Mmmmm, I guess thats sugar again haha. Ive been waiting for the the "Lucky Charms -Oops All Marshmallows" my whole life.

lmao, i can believe it too. this made me snort.
Slurpees for sure....
I have never heard of Maple Nut Goodies before. I just looked it up and it said it's a peanut with a toffee coating? What is the texture like? Is it like a honey roasted peanut or are they sticky.

It's difficult to explain. It's kind of chewy, with small peanut chunks in the middle, and then a maple candy-like coating.They aren't really sticky unless you bite into one and then rub it on your hands. But, not like a honey roasted peanut either. Just GREAT! My mother and I are the only people I know who eat them. I couldn't pay my wife to even try one.
I have to throw any and all cereal with marshmallows in it on my list. Mmmmm, I guess thats sugar again haha. Ive been waiting for the the "Lucky Charms -Oops All Marshmallows" my whole life.

Just read that and LMAO! I will throw in Cap'n Crunch. Didn't eat it for years, but was at Walmart a few weeks back, and they have the throwback boxes, like 28 oz, for $3, so I bought one. Then ate it all in 2 days, and bought another, and thus began the cycle. My wife and I will snack on it while watching Covert Affairs.

And, I'm always bargain golf shopping, but never find anything I have to have so bad that I'm willing to bring it home to show the wife. HA