Am I the biggest jerk?


New member
Jun 3, 2010
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I have spent the last 3 years teaching my GF the game. She breaks 100 regularly now. she wants to play in tournaments. So, am I the biggets jerk for wanting her to act like a golfer?
Like, get out of the cart and stand at the tee box ready to hit. The other day we played with another couple. My gf would be sitting in the cart while the other woman hit her tee shot, then she gets out, gets her driver, walks ... you get it. When she putts she walks away or asks for a gimmie on 2 and 3 footers. I told her after she putts it's still her turn to mark or play. she gives me everything 3 foot or less. Differance is, I make 9 out of 10 of those, so, if it's a gimmier I take it, if not, i putt it in and say thank you. If she misses it she wants to practice it 3 to 7 times in a row while people are standing in the fairway. If she made most of those short ones I'd give more of em.

Maybe I expect too much? I grew up with my mom playing. She played from the whites and hit it 250. No messing around in the bathroom every few holes either. Now my mom is 69 and still hits it 215/220 and shoots in the high 80's.

Heres what I get, you are in a hurry, rushing. No I tell her I am playing at a regular pace of play. Is she more important than the game? I say, when its slow we can play and practice along the way no problem. But, if there are people behind us we need to keep moving. And in general I don't want to let people play through. It slows the whole thing down. Singles are differant and twosomes of "players" no problem. They are moving through fast.

So am I the biggest jerk?

I want her to join a womens club. Wouldn't they give her the, let's pick up the pace?
I'm lucky. My wife likes to play as quickly as possible, as when we play it is early in the morning and when we are done she starts work. So we can't have super long rounds. We usually play in around 3 hours or so if we can get out there before 7:00.

You aren't being a jerk. Have her join the forum and she may change her mind about taking her time after reading the posts here.
Old habits die hard. Maybe have her play more with other women? Then she'll get ettiqute from another person besides you.
You're not a jerk for respecting the game.

Have her play with other people.

She'll catch on bro.
Never ever try to tell your significant other how to do something on the golf course ,even though you are/may be right. Let someone else do it and keep the peace in the relationship.
You are not a jerk. You are just trying to teach her how the game is played. My husband had to teach me all these things too. I remember how rushed I always felt but now I'm the one wishing others would move along. I'm all for pre-shot routines and focus but at least get to your ball/tee box and get ready as soon as possible. Have a nice chat with her away from the course and maybe show her some literature (online?) about golf etiquette. Be kind to her and coax her along. The more she plays and mixes it up with different people, the wiser she will get about it all.
Yep, we've had our share of battles on the course! We have just about learned to keep our mouths zipped when it comes to advice on the course.

Never ever try to tell your significant other how to do something on the golf course ,even though you are/may be right. Let someone else do it and keep the peace in the relationship.
You need to nip this behavior in the bud, toot sweet. She sounds kind of uppity. My Wife was like that, but after several stern reprimands, she now she rides along quietly and is ready to hit her shots. She replaces my divots, fixes my pitch marks, and rakes my sand traps. She's quite well behaved, and as her behavior improved, so did the quality of her game. She immensely grateful to me.

You need to nip this behavior in the bud, toot sweet. She sounds kind of uppity. My Wife was like that, but after several stern reprimands, she now she rides along quietly and is ready to hit her shots. She replaces my divots, fixes my pitch marks, and rakes my sand traps. She's quite well behaved, and as her behavior improved, so did the quality of her game. She immensely grateful to me.


Kevin -- What you drinking dude? :D
I sure wish you would get Mrs. Esox to join this forum!

You need to nip this behavior in the bud, toot sweet. She sounds kind of uppity. My Wife was like that, but after several stern reprimands, she now she rides along quietly and is ready to hit her shots. She replaces my divots, fixes my pitch marks, and rakes my sand traps. She's quite well behaved, and as her behavior improved, so did the quality of her game. She immensely grateful to me.

Absolutely, NEVER!!!!! My father-in-law was able to correct my wife but heaven forbid if I even tried to point out the general direction of the green!!!! However, your GF needs a dose of playing 'ready golf' with some hard core, no nonsense women. Hopefully, then she will start to see the light.
Absolutely, NEVER!!!!! My father-in-law was able to correct my wife but heaven forbid if I even tried to point out the general direction of the green!!!! However, your GF needs a dose of playing 'ready golf' with some hard core, no nonsense women. Hopefully, then she will start to see the light.

Never ever try to tell your significant other how to do something on the golf course ,even though you are/may be right. Let someone else do it and keep the peace in the relationship.

Absoluletly NEVER EVER try to give your SO help, advise, correction (no nothing for a looooong time!). My father-in-law could tell my wife ANYTHING, and she would lap it up like it was from Moses quoting from a tablet! But me? Heaven forbid that I would even try to very gently try to point her the general direction of the green!
Oops! 'Sorry for the almost double post!
Send her to FL to play a round at 7:30 AM with Josh, she'll think you play slow after that.... done!!
Send her to FL to play a round at 7:30 AM with Josh, she'll think you play slow after that.... done!!

Especially when he says, "Are you really going to go back and look at that alligator?" even though you are going to wait on the tee box anyway! hahaha
As others have pointed out in their own fashion, you are in the regrettable position of being the SO in the relationship trying to point out what folks that have been around the course a few times would consider pretty bad behavior.

You need to get out from under that deal. Again as many have pointed out, when it comes to advice, “daddy” walks on water while you are of course lower than snake ****. My daughter treats me the same way. When it comes to advice I am God, while various and sundry other men need to stop using up extra oxygen and should have the good sense to just die. Any chance that “daddy” plays golf? I suspect if he does one incident of her sitting it out in the cart at the tee box would bring an admonition something like, “get your cute little butt over here before I drop kick it onto the green.”

Obviously I am having a little fun with this and I apologize for doing so a bit at your expense. You are not being a jerk and I am sure you had all the best intentions in the relationship getting her out on the course. You can spend more time together. You have one more thing in common. I think that kind of effort is commendable. It takes courage to chance cutting off one of your potential escape routes. “Gee hon I would looooove to go shopping for your mom’s birthday present with you but I have been booked into this round of golf for two weeks now, soooooooo gotta’ go by.” I am sure that when you started you just did not see this freight train rolling in your direction.

Have you already tried to get her involved in a regular foursome of other gals? If you can get her into a group of other girls that know their way around the course I would guess that in all gal company they will help her understand in pretty short order. I would however advise at this point that you lay off the advice for awhile before getting her hooked up or she will likely smell a set up. I can’t see where you live but if in the North or Northeast there is not much left to the season anyway. Maybe winter is coming just at the right time for you and you can lay out your plan of attack and marshal your forces over these months of golf inactivity. Get her a membership or something like that as one of her Christmas presents and make sure you already have something figured out for getting her out there with a bunch of gals that know what is what.
I'd say go ahead and encourage her to compete. The tournament officials will hurry her along with a warning won't they? LOL The only way of being labeled a jerk would be the way you say it to her. Put it politely and if she's offended then it's more of an attitude issue with her and you've done your best to help. I know from working with women all day long that pretty much either way........your screwed. LOL! I wish you the best, good man.
No, that title was given to me years ago. :arrogant:

I'm lucky on this one. My wife came up playing, occasionally, with her grandfather in the country club scene. He was/is a very serious golfer, and drilled all of the rules of etiquette into her. In doing so, (berating her) the way he did, he removed all of the fun from the game for her. It took me years to get her to want to come back out on the course. There were very few things that I had to mention or remind her of. I did so gently and she she took it to heart without getting pissy.

How long do your normal rounds take? If they are extreme, ask the ranger or starter to say something. That way it's not you being the jerk. Just make sure you are playing ready golf the whole time.
Not just golf man, been married going on 17 years and I never try to tell my wife anything. I let someone else do it and keep peace on the homefront
Tough one. If she has ingrained these habits, it is going to be harder to tell her they are wrong. I will say that I think it's rude to walk off the green when people are putting or sit in the cart when people are driving the ball.

You can send her out to play with others, but there is a chance they will just complain behind her back rather than tell her. It will probably make her mad, but you may have to be the one to break the news.
My wife and I has some similar experiences and she is just now starting to act like a golfer (which she is!). As a few of the comments above have suggested, what did the trick for me/us was her playing with other girl friends who take the game seriously. Good luck and have's a great game to share!
Thank you for all the replies. We live in Oregon so the weather is closing in fast and I am not sure she will be wanting to play hardcore. Hell she would pass up playing if the time is before 11:00. Nope, no daddy. She goes out to play by herself during the week. She is smoking hot so men are no help at all!

We can play a 4 hours or close sometimes but mostly it's closer to 5. She's doing much better. Boy do I wish she would get some advice from somebody. Last week I look at her like come on babe mark or putt out ( to be honest, I was giving her the stink eye ) and I catch hell big time! She wont even watch golf on TV! Damm Oh and dont get me started on the hair that must be flowing, no matter the weather. Get that stuff out of your face, it's not a fashion show. Gave up on that one.

I will send her this thread.

Thank you
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