
Oct 15, 2010
Reaction score
When you look at the face of this club you might think it doesn't look that bad maybe an old 5 or 7 wood............


Now the scary part... From address:


And now the back....


Finally the sole....


Clearly this was designed by someone who has never played golf! I guess it one on those clubs that only some can hit like a 1 or 2 iron. But I think my uncle gave me this club more than 7 yrs ago and I've never been able to get it more than 20 feet in the air. I know there was a reason when he was laughing when he said I could have it. It's more of a club if I need to hit a low 75 yard knuckleball! :D
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Driving irons were actually pretty popular in the 90s. If you have a high enough swing speed, it should work out.

THPing on the fly. Sorry for lack of forum etiquette.
I made a guy get a driving iron back around 2000. He always hit his 3 iron off the tee because he couldn't hit woods very well. He could knock the crap out of that driving iron.

It didn't look like the pictures though.
Driving irons were actually pretty popular in the 90s. If you have a high enough swing speed, it should work out.

THPing on the fly. Sorry for lack of forum etiquette.

I got plenty of SS.... swing on the other hand might be the problem! :laughing:
I have a blade style driving iron that looks like it has about 10 degrees of loft on it. Never tried to hit it. Seemed like a waste of golf balls.
15 or so years ago I gamed a 1 and 2 iron. Even the occasional driving iron. Nowadays I can't get those clubs in the air. The ball doesn't allow for the use of those clubs anymore. Today's ball just doesn't spin like they used to, which makes it nearly impossible for anyone without superhuman ability to elevate a club like that. If you could get your hands on a circa 1995 golf ball you wouldn't have any problem getting that club airborne.
Old Nicklaus 3 iron looks like a wedge compared to this thing!!!


Golden Bear!My first set of clubs back in the mid 70's if I remember correctly.Righty of course!
Interesting clubs, Johndeere...thanks for sharing.

Thank God for technology!

I've said before that I sometimes wish I would have picked up golf earlier in life...I might take that back if I had would have tried to hit something like that. The ADD I had in my teens would have gotten the best of me and I would've given up long before I figured out how to hit it properly.
Golden Bear!My first set of clubs back in the mid 70's if I remember correctly.Righty of course!

That's what I played until say late eighties, lol. They were beat to heck when I got them in around 72. I have a buddy who still plays an old driving iron similar to the first picture. He hits it a mile, but he hits everything a ton.
When you look at the face of this club you might think it doesn't look that bad maybe an old 5 or 7 wood............


Clearly this was designed by someone who has never played golf! I guess it one on those clubs that only some can hit like a 1 or 2 iron. But I think my uncle gave me this club more than 7 yrs ago and I've never been able to get it more than 20 feet in the air. I know there was a reason when he was laughing when he said I could have it. It's more of a club if I need to hit a low 75 yard knuckleball! :D

I see the problem with this club right's designed to hit from the WRONG side of the ball !! :D