Clickgear 2.0 and the Sun Mountain C130 does it fit?


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Feb 5, 2011
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I’m looking for a new cart bag and have read good things about the Sun Mountain C130. I have a Clickgear 2.0 and I walk a lot in the summer. I am wondering if someone can tell me if the C130 fits well on the Clickgear 2.0 and also looking for any comments on the C130.

Some have said that its big on a riding cart. Could you get two of them side by side without any problem on a cart?

I currently have a Callaway 14 Tour Big Bertha bag its large with lots of storage and I like that part but I have a hard time getting clubs in and out. They seem to get stuck and I wind up having to jerk them out or jab them in. it’s getting old. You know how it is if you hit a bad shot then you have to fight your club in the bag.:at-wits-end:

Any comments would be appreciated.
I have the C130 bag and it can hold anything you need. If haveing enough space is your concern, dont worry at all about it. Not sure how it fits on teh CLic Gear. I have a Sunmountain cart so it fits well on it. Using the cart on a regular golf cart has not posed any significant issues. It does get a bit tight if you have it stuffed, but its managable. I have never had two C130's on same cart before but my guess is it would be extremely tight and very difficult if you needed anything out of the two inside upper pockets while on the cart.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the comments. Still looking for some help on the Clickgear fit.