Recent content by Ramon404

  1. Ramon404

    Odyssey Ai-ONE and Ai-ONE Milled Putters Review

    Got it out. Mine are literally just laying in there, once the screws are removed. The first time I had attempted to remove them they wouldn't just fall out after turning the putter over. There may have been grass/debris just barely holding them in the pockets. 🤦🏾
  2. Ramon404

    Odyssey Ai-ONE and Ai-ONE Milled Putters Review

    Man, I appreciate that. I'll be home in a few and give it another shot.
  3. Ramon404

    Odyssey Ai-ONE and Ai-ONE Milled Putters Review

    I was able to remove the screws from my 11T weights but they seemed to be stuck in there. What did you have to do remove yours in your 6T? I didn't want to start prying on one.