Anyone still using their Rife Two Bar putter?


Let's have fun out there!
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
I am thinking about blowing the dust off my old Rife Two Bar putter and sticking a new SuperStroke grip on it. Question. Is anyone still using their Rife Two Bar putter?
I have a 2 Bar Blade but am not gaming it.
I have a good friend that still plays his. He loves it!
Still game mine. Have 3 of them. One is the gray one that I don't like the look of that much, but I have gamed my straight center shaft 2 bar for a long time until the curved center shaft in the black kicked it out last year. Love my 2 bar.
Ugliest putter in the world but I still game the 2bar blade. Funny thing is I've tried to replace it with a Bettinardi, and Nike Method but I always go back to the Rife.
I bought my dad one of the 2-bar putters when they were all the rage. I remember messing around with it one day and I couldn't miss! I wonder why I never gamed one...

With my current putting woes, I'd definitely give one a try now.