
Oct 27, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Hey, thought I'd check in and see if anyone here would consider themselves an artist? It's probably the only other passion I have in life besides golf.

I have a show coming up this month at The Barbara Krakow Gallery on Newbury St. here in Boston.

Here is a link to the 2007 show, my last name is Duarte (if you'd care to see an example of my work)


thanks JB, since college it has been rough... shows have been slow. It's difficult to manage a career and a passion... we all know that feeling here, with golf and our day jobs.
Very cool! I had a painting turned into a greeting card once, that was pretty cool. It was a tree with a bunch of birds in the foreground, and a tree with only one bird a little farther back. They wrote something dopey inside about flying back to your nest...it's a get well card. :sick:

What's the title of that piece? Can't read it...
Phthalo Slide / Midnight
Pthalo? Do I have that right?
its the color used, Phthalo Green
You would have thought I would have had more of an artistic talent than I ended up with, having a mother who was a phenomenal artist. Unfortunately for me, her talent skipped her kids but ended up in my neice. So the talent lives on. She came to Kansas City from Hawaii in 1946 to go to the Art Institute and drew for Harzfelds, Rothschilds, Jones Store and others before retiring in 1991. She was going to go to Wyoming to draw horses and landscapes but after she retired, she never drew another thing. She was tired of it!. The drawings below are a some she drew for the Royals annual fashion show (the covers) and for payment of only a ticket to the shows, she drew portraits of all the players. The baby picture she drew of her first grandchild before he was born, and the last is a watercolor she did in 1948 that I ran across last year and bought from a collector, framed and brought back home where it belongs. My brother and sister have copies, but I kept the original!

I know this isn't what you wanted when you started this thread, but I wanted to take advanatage of an opportunity to rave about my talented mother. Thanks for giving me the chance.





well, the 2008 show link is up...

here's what I donated for the show, all of the proceeds go to AIDS research

oil on Styrofoam insulation, 8"x5"x2" 2008

I like that one DD
thanks man
I consider the Arc Blades a piece of art. You will see Friday.
intriguing choice of mediums. i really like the way you are progressing the use of different materials in your pieces as opposed to just a canvas
Very cool DD. I have never been the artsy type but I always wished I could appreciate and understand art. The closest I get to being artistic is coloring inside the lines :curl-lip:
That's awesome DD. But here is the extent of my artistic talent
