Furyk and Fluff have split.

Fluff has been caddying for CT Pan for a bit now hasn't he?
I hadn't paid attention to it but it is so.
I knew Furyk was injured so I thought it may have been just until he came back. Cool article and good on Furyk for looking out for Fluff in the long run.
A dynamic duo - Got to respect Furyk for looking out for Fluff here
Great to see when the player looks out for the caddy as well when they’re not able to play enough.
Have a hat Fluff autographed at Memphis one year…. Great guy and legend….
I knew Furyk was injured so I thought it may have been just until he came back. Cool article and good on Furyk for looking out for Fluff in the long run.
Long run? Lol dude is almost 80. I’m shocked he’s still looping
I hate to see a great team break up in their prime.

Kidding (obv). Glad Furyk was a good dude about it. Fluff is an iron man for still being out there. Wish him the best.
Glad to see Furyk handling the situation with class and looking out for Fluff's best interests. It's been a long and great partnership, but Fluff needs to get paid if he's going to be out there looping at 76 years old.
I was happy to read the title of this thread.

Not because I wanted them to split up, but because of how some of the other forums had titled it. Up till now it was "Tigers ex caddy splits......". It was like the last 25 years with Furyk was not a big deal. Thanks to the OP for getting it right.

I got a chance to speak with Fluff at the Vegas tour stop. Furyk was on the putting green with his Dad, and fluff was off to the side sharping his pencils with a pocket knife.

I asked him if had time for a few words. His reply was that " last he heard it was still a free country".

We talk a few minutes about nothing import. At our parting way, as Iwe shook hands, I told him I thought he had a better boss now. He winked at me and said "me too".