Movie-"The Back Nine"


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
SE Cheeseland
I'm not sure if this documentary has been mentioned here before. It follows a 40 year old independent film maker and movie festival director who decides he wants to become a professional golfer. While the film shows him putting together a plan that includes physical, mental, and golf swing training, it turns out to be more about how striving to reach your own goal can actually open your eyes to what actually are the most important things in life. It's interesting to see him try and manage a career, a family, and his dedication to improving as a golfer.

I didn't find the main character to be the most likable guy, but it was an interesting hour and a half. I watched it on Netflix through the Wii. I know we have members here that contemplate trying to get into to golf as a career. Give it a watch, it's worth the time investment.

Oops, I thought this was a documentary on The Tiger Girls, 10-18.
I saw this the other day in the video store but couldn't get the wife to rent it. Glad to hear its worth the time, Thanks Kevin.
Added to Netflix instant queue. Will probably watch it later tonight if the power doesn't go out from all this ice.
I am going to have to check it out.
Does it actually show him playing at all or does he go in tournaments or anything?
Checked it out last night...definitely worth watching.

Thanks, Esox.
This sounds very interesting. I looks like a good video to plug in during the next couple of days as the cold rainy days are back.
K well this is stupid.. Canadian Netflix it says it's unavailable?

Being Canadian and speaking a foreign language, did you search for movies about 'goulf' instead of 'golf'?

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