CONTEST - Caption This Photo & Win

"Kung Fu Panda has nothing on me.....oh you're just playing through?"
  • Here lies a statute depicting Bear Woods, Tiger’s lesser known second cousin once removed.
You have to be this close for a "good, good" with me...Who do you think I am, Sergio?
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Official entry:

This is the bear trap

Wanna Dance?
"Seriously, though...what....what's on the sign. I can't see it; I've been here sice 90' and I have no idea why."
"Dude, really... try fishing, your game and others on the course will thank me"
You think this is good? Wait until you meet the robot guy at the beach!
"That damn squirrel from Caddyshack stole my moves!"
Here's my attempt:

"I'll get this sneeze out eventually!"
No gimmes. Even if it's THIS close!
"I heard Michigan Slice likes to hit Bears with his van, Wheres your van now...?"

"I told Honda my paws would stay at 10 and 2 but I think they're trying to steal Shaq from Buick."
"hazards and trees and bears, oh my!"
"Yes Sir! There is life in the Old Bear yet!"
I'm telling you, DO NOT hit driver on the next hole !!!
I swear the fish was this big.
Bear in mind, these are not your average finishing holes!
Hand me my clubs, I'll show that "Bear Trap".
So Arnie tells Jack,I don't care what you designed.....this ain't no gimme! True story!
Last day to enter.
"LISTEN TO ME!!! I am trying to tell you I am not the scariest thing on this course. These next few hole scare the crap out of even me."
"I can no longer bear your chutting!"
"Well that's just great! You hear that, Ed? Bears! Now you're putting the whole golf course in jeopardy!"