18 Holes with Charlotte Campbell

We have an interview segment on the site once in a while called 18 Holes With ________. It features 18 questions and is sometimes very random. The inaugural interview goes to Golf Channel’s Highway 18 winner Charlotte Campbell. We sought out Charlotte for a reason. Because her Blingo Ball Markers show a sense of golf style we pride ourselves on here at THP. Rather than bore you with the details of our site, we will get right down to the actual interview.

THP – Congratulations on winning The Golf Channel’s Highway 18. How has it changed your life?

Charlotte Campbell – I don’t really think it has changed it at all. If it has, it was in a good way. It was a confidence booster to my game after a tough year.

THP – With so many people knowing you now, do you feel the TV experience was worth the loss of privacy?

CC – Definitely! During filming it just felt like me and my brother out there. After the show aired, you definitely get some contact via fans, but it is all worth it.

THP – Any fans get a little out of hand since the airing of the show?

CC – Not really, but I do get some pretty crazy email requests. Everybody wants to help me.

THP – You have been interviewed a ton about Hwy 18, so let’s get on to the meaningless stuff shall we? Describe your offseason?

CC – [Laughs] I go to the Gary Gilchrist Golf Academy 3 times a week from 9am to 4pm each day. It is a new school and there are quite a few junior golfers and about 7-8 pros. I am also going to play in the Suncoast Series this winter so I can stay in tournament shape. I also have Futures Q School coming up in a few weeks. And of course trying to live a normal life and continue to make Blingo Ballmarks for everyone.

THP – Two Words, Golf Style?

CC – I try everyday and I like golf clothes. I wear many different brands including some that were given to us and stuff I wore in school still. I am not very brand specific yet. I also rhinestone out my golf shoes. (THP says that makes her stylish all by itself)

THP – Are you part of the belt buckle craze…You could make those too?

CC – I’m not. They do work for some people like Anthony Kim. Most of my outfits I don’t even wear a belt with.

THP – Blingos are all about style right? Do you match to your outfit?

CC – They are and I wish. I usually bring a certain amount with me and sell most of them so I can’t color coordinate. I normally wear the Diamond one anyway. (THP says diamonds match everything)

THP – How crazy can you get with your Blingo Ballmarkers? Custom Designs?

CC – I can’t get too wild. There is only so much room. Your logo probably wouldn’t work. Initials are really hard. Let’s remember, I am doing these all by hand. I have done some peace signs that look great as well as a few crosses. But I prefer the traditional.

THP – Besides the obvious choice in Blingo, what accessory is your must have for golf?

CC – I love little bags. One for tees. I think I have a little bag for just about everything while I am playing.

THP – Jumping around here, tell us about your weekly routine during season?

CC – It is a hectic week. Monday is usually travel days for the players. Tuesdays we have our Pro-Ams usually. Then it is all about getting in your practice rounds before it all begins. I try and focus on what part of my game has given me the most trouble recently. Focus on that and learning the course.

THP – What advice, not golf tip, would you give the average amateur golfer to help them enjoy the game even more?

CC – That is a great question. I would say to set good and realistic expectations. Check and rely on the basics that you learn. Be confident in the decisions you make on the course. When I am playing with my Mom, we talk about this stuff. I have so many insights into the game that have been taught to me for so long, they are second nature, but most people go by feel.

THP – Do you still enjoy the game as a pro as much as you did as a child growing up?

CC – Wow, that is tough to answer. It is different. Of course I still love it and I think I always will. I would say that I can’t answer that. Because now it’s a job. Back then in Junior Golf there were so many other things to worry about. Like thinking about Prom and it was light and there was not “real” pressure. Now there are no excuses. But to pick one is not fair, because I still love it.

THP – Tell the funniest story of an on course event that has happened on the Futures Tour?

CC – No real funny shots. I have not holed out. I have had an amusing caddy or two, but when I did, I had my best rounds on tour.

THP – Tell the THP readers what you do when you aren’t practicing during the offseason?

CC – I live a really normal life. I love shopping. I am actually outside of the mall right now. I work on the Blingo Ballmarkers of course and just do the normal every day stuff. (THP loves her already. Shopping during an interview!!!)

THP – Would you do reality TV again?

CC – Yeah I would. It did not take too long to do and it was a lot of fun.

THP – Tell the THP readers something they do not know about Charlotte Campbell?

CC – That’s a good question. I sometimes try TOO HARD. I am very competitive and always want to do my best. I went to Rollins College and graduated with Honors and played golf and now earn my living at it. I always want to strive to be the best. At least the best I can be.

THP – If you had a choice to make it big with Blingo Ballmarkers or with golf which would you choose?

CC – I would say Golf. But that is tough. I think I can and will do both.

THP – The 18th hole is always the same question. Do you have any pets and if so what? (I know, but we are pet people here)

CC – With my travel schedule it is impossible, but I love them. We have a family rottweiler named Liz, so I will say yes. I love that dog so much. She is part of the family. (THP wants pictures!)

THP – That is all we have today but I am sure we will be speaking again real soon. Go in the mall and buy that purse.

CC – [laughs] I do really like the LV, but we will wait on this one. I look forward to talking to you guys again, this was fun.

The Hackers Paradise wants to thank Charlotte Campbell for giving us a chance to chat on the phone for a while today. If we had known she was shopping, we maybe would have done only 9 holes with her. Charlotte is someone we will be keeping our eye on here at THP. And we are going to definitely chat with her again really soon. You can also keep up with Charlotte at her website Here. And of course do not miss out on the Blingo Ballmarks. We will have a review up on them shortly but in the meantime go and check them out. You can get more information on them as well as purchase them at Blingo Ballmarks.

Edit – Charlotte was nice enough to email us a picture of Liz the family dog after she read the interview. Absolutely precious.

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.