At the 2011 PGA Show, THP got a sneak preview of the new apparel coming out from Travis Mathew. While there we asked them to share some of that line with our readers and they were kind enough to do so. Check out this video from the booth as Chris Rosaasen (CEO) shows off some of their upcoming line.
Who is that sexy man just off the screen on the right? (@110)
Glad to see some more color show up in the TM line and expanding into the outerwear sector more.
Also- ball cleaners are funny.
I really like the way these shirts fit. The first time I put one on I felt like it was taylor made for me. Great line!
Jake man, why so serious! Lovin’ the vintage VW bus in the back!
Definitely some quality apparel….the fit and feel is definitely top notch!
It will be interesting to see what happens to this company now that Travis Johnson is gone. The company claims the design work was shared, but it was 100% Travis and his designs will be all used up by spring/summer.
While I am curious to see what happens with Travis departing the company, we must not forget the current CEO knows a thing or two about design with his background and previous company.
True, but culture is huge. When Steve Jobs left Apple there were very competent people taking his place, but it fell apart. Travis was also the relationship guy as well and that can’t be discounted. I’m not saying TM will fall apart, but Travis was not simply a role player there. Rosaasen brand was no TM, with all due respect to Chris.