2025 Shaft Up is coming and below are all of the details for the 2nd of two amazing THP Experiences in the series. For those new to THP, Shaft Up with UST Mamiya is a 2 part THP Experience Series where 6 lucky forum members are taken on a trip for a fitting, free equipment and some great golf. Each of the two events will feature 6 different forum members for a unique experience unlike any other, complete with a fun two man competition, where winning could lead you to another special experience.

When & Where
September 7th-9th, 2025
Roanoke, VA
Course: Ballyhack Golf Club
Cost & What’s Included
Get fit for new equipment
Play Golf
Premium Driver and Shaft
Lodging on Site at Ballyhack Golf Club
All food and drink included
And much much more
THP Shaft Up with UST Mamiya is about making the impossible, possible. World Class fitting, new equipment for each participant and of course playing golf at an awesome course. You will leave the event armed with more knowledge, better gear and of course the memories that last forever.

How To Get Involved
Getting to be a part of this special program will be by sign up in the respective threads when they go up. Your 2025 Albatross Club membership is your key to unlock this and many other programs on THP. If you are not a member, and want information on how to join and help support an amazing charity helping children in need, click here.
It Said Equipment What Does That Mean
Every THP Shaft Up event will not only feature new shafts, but brand new equipment. Each participant will get fit for premium UST Mamiya shafts with the fitting done by Danny Le personally. And while there, walk away with a brand new driver that perfectly fits your game. We can’t say what the driver will be as of yet, but will announce prior to signups.
The Finale & Competition
Each person that gets into this world class THP Experience will be paired with another THPer to create their team, complete with team name. There will be four total teams in each Shaft Up event. If you are lucky enough to win one, you will get a ticket punched to the 2026 Shaft Up Finale, where custom shafts, swag and more are all on the table.
How To Signup
Stay tuned to the THP Forum as signups for this one will be coming May 23rd, 2025. Six lucky THPers will get this incredible opportunity.
The Teams
Jewamese – @dannyle and @JB
Anime Gods – @MuchMore and @xthor
For more information on any of the products that UST Mamiya offers, check out their website at www.ustmamiya.com.
[QUOTE=”Muchmore, post: 12923371, member: 56094″]
You know nothing!
Exactly! Anime is more about having more recap than story in an episode so it takes 7 episodes to advance 1 minute of plot. Which is clearly the THP approach to pacing.
[QUOTE=”Muchmore, post: 12923371, member: 56094″]
You know nothing!
Chat GPT would like to disagree
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[QUOTE=”amarkabove, post: 12923380, member: 75272″]
Exactly! Anime is more about having more recap than story in an episode so it takes 7 episodes to advance 1 minute of plot. Which is clearly the THP approach to pacing.
[IMG alt=”Oh My God Wow GIF”]https://media2.giphy.com/media/WuGSL4LFUMQU/200.gif[/IMG]
[QUOTE=”amarkabove, post: 12923380, member: 75272″]
Exactly! Anime is more about having more recap than story in an episode so it takes 7 episodes to advance 1 minute of plot. Which is clearly the THP approach to pacing.
[QUOTE=”outlawx, post: 12923381, member: 74252″]
Chat GPT would like to disagree
[ATTACH type=”full” alt=”1739129432261.png”]9325163[/ATTACH]
[IMG alt=”Angry Star Wars GIF by Mashed”]https://media2.giphy.com/media/34Zf4axDjgTtd99ss2/200.gif[/IMG]
[QUOTE=”Muchmore, post: 12923387, member: 56094″]
[IMG alt=”Angry Star Wars GIF by Mashed”]https://media2.giphy.com/media/34Zf4axDjgTtd99ss2/200.gif[/IMG]
Who’s hating? I love anime. And I love THPers. I just think they could work on some things. Like, pace.
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[QUOTE=”JB, post: 12923397, member: 3″]
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Burg and Midnight 4ever
[QUOTE=”amarkabove, post: 12923391, member: 75272″]
Who’s hating? I love anime. And I love THPers. I just think they could work on some things. Like, pace.
Anime Gods have finished a round at Ballyhack in 2 hours. We will give pace proper representation in the name of anime and THPers!
[QUOTE=”outlawx, post: 12923369, member: 74252″]
Agree, I cant wait to see who rounds out with [USER=72219]@Inioch[/USER] I hope their trash talk game is just as good.
The funny part is, I don’t really do trash talk on the golf course. I do have a dark sense of humour, and have trash talked in other sports. I almost did with Jose, but realized that’s a bad move ?
[QUOTE=”Muchmore, post: 12923412, member: 56094″]
Anime Gods have finished a round at Ballyhack in 2 hours. We will give pace proper representation in the name of anime and THPers!
I can’t speak for my partner… wait, actually i can! We’ll keep pace, and reel you guys in when we see you lagging
[IMG alt=”Come Here Warner Bros GIF by Mortal Kombat Movie”]https://media2.giphy.com/media/rIa2LxrCKxMz3oOEtH/200.gif[/IMG]
[QUOTE=”JB, post: 12923397, member: 3″]
[ATTACH type=”full” alt=”IMG_7872.jpeg”]9325169[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=”full” alt=”IMG_7873.jpeg”]9325170[/ATTACH]
Gotta say, I really like the look of that Burg guy…
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12923358, member: 72219″]
Isn’t anime mostly just reruns and plots that have no continuity or cohesiveness and no one knows what’s going on?
Seems Anime Gods are spot on there
The Finnisher coming in hot! I love it even if you have better hair than [USER=56094]@Muchmore[/USER]. Hopefully we see a fellow bald guy on your team to balance that out a little ?
[QUOTE=”Jtubb17, post: 12923431, member: 68843″]
The Finnisher coming in hot! I love it even if you have better hair than [USER=56094]@Muchmore[/USER]. Hopefully we see a fellow bald guy on your team to balance that out a little ?
This anti-hair agenda is getting extreme.
Have been trying to co through the UST website but has been down for a few days.
[QUOTE=”smgoldstein, post: 12923492, member: 4509″]
Have been trying to co through the UST website but has been down for a few days.
I reached out to them for this
Noticed that too. Also may have had a set of Dart V’s in the shopping cart since last night… They ain’t cheap and I can’t hit them anywhere, but the thought is enticing. Might end up with Darts instead.
[QUOTE=”Just_Brad, post: 12921066, member: 9473″]
LOL, I have nothing else going on, need something to tie my hopes and dreams to.
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12922232, member: 72219″]
Holy crap! Getting fit by [USER=47008]@DannyLe[/USER]! And playing with/against him and [USER=3]@JB[/USER] at Ballyhack, which I’ve always wanted to experience!
And finally getting to meet the legends [USER=56094]@Muchmore[/USER] & [USER=19092]@xThor[/USER] in person!
Amazing, just amazing! And I’ll do my damnest to not just be running my mouth and actually bring it to anime Gods ?
You let a guy out of the sauna and he just tries to burn you huh.
[QUOTE=”xThor, post: 12923585, member: 19092″]
You let a guy out of the sauna and he just tries to burn you huh.
[IMG alt=”Chicago Bulls What GIF by NBA”]https://media1.giphy.com/media/3o6YglDndxKdCNw7q8/200.gif[/IMG]
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12923566, member: 72219″]
Noticed that too. Also may have had a set of Dart V’s in the shopoing cart since last night… They ain’t cheap and I can’t hit them anywhere, but the thought is enticing. Might end up with Darts instead.
What is your line of thought in DartV vs Recoil Darts?
My quick transition and overall success with the MMT’s has me thinking V’s. I’ve generally been more successful with a bit stiffer feeling shaft and have easier time squaring it vs one where I need to nail the release point.
But the V might be too low for me, as I’m naturally low launch, low spin with irons. The Dart 90 could fit that need very well. I’m just a bit anxious if the’d be hard to time. I hit ESX 760 in my King Tour fitting, but they were way too light and couldn’t time them for the life of me.
So less kick, maybe easier to time -> V
More loading and higher launch -> Dart
Can’t find the V’s anywhere here to try. Could always order and build up one of each first…
[QUOTE=”xThor, post: 12923585, member: 19092″]
You let a guy out of the sauna and he just tries to burn you huh.
[ATTACH type=”full”]9325213[/ATTACH]
Hey, it’s a competition here! Or was until a Russian guy died and the local champ almost did too.
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12923683, member: 72219″]
[ATTACH type=”full” alt=”1739140323545.jpeg”]9325213[/ATTACH]
Hey, it’s a competition here! Or was until a Russian guy died and the local champ almost did too.
Man [USER=56094]@Muchmore[/USER] looks rough up there in Moosen country
[QUOTE=”JB, post: 12923686, member: 3″]
Man [USER=56094]@Muchmore[/USER] looks rough up there in Moosen country
That’s the “After Shaft Up #2” picture
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12923687, member: 72219″]
That’s the “After Shaft Up #2″ picture
[IMG alt=”fez burn GIF”]https://media3.giphy.com/media/8D7FaGd2QIXG8/200.gif[/IMG]
[QUOTE=”JB, post: 12923686, member: 3″]
Man [USER=56094]@Muchmore[/USER] looks rough up there in Moosen country
No one needs to see how the sausage is made…when the result is this
[ATTACH type=”full”]9325221[/ATTACH]
[QUOTE=”Wonger, post: 12923750, member: 74038″]
No one needs to see how the sausage is made…when the result is this
[ATTACH type=”full” alt=”1739143031469.jpeg”]9325221[/ATTACH]
So… uh… about those UST shafts…
[QUOTE=”Wonger, post: 12923750, member: 74038″]
No one needs to see how the sausage is made…when the result is this
[ATTACH type=”full” alt=”1739143031469.jpeg”]9325221[/ATTACH]
lorenzo lamas now
And Reno Raines never lost
[ATTACH type=”full”]9325222[/ATTACH]
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12923674, member: 72219″]
My quick transition and overall success with the MMT’s has me thinking V’s. I’ve generally been more successful with a bit stiffer feeling shaft and have easier time squaring it vs one where I need to nail the release point.
But the V might be too low for me, as I’m naturally low launch, low spin with irons. The Dart 90 could fit that need very well. I’m just a bit anxious if the’d be hard to time. I hit 760 in my King Tour fitting, but they were way too light and couldn’t time them for the life of me.
So less kick, maybe easier to time -> V
More loading and higher launch -> Dart
Can’t find the V’s anywhere here to try. Could always order and build up one of each first…
Yeah, having seen how mid/low your irons fly is why I asked about the DartV’s.
V’s have been tough to come by anywhere for me as well too so could be tough outside just building one up.
A Mahomes interview is almost as bad as a Siriani one.
[QUOTE=”Wonger, post: 12923750, member: 74038″]
No one needs to see how the sausage is made…when the result is this
[ATTACH type=”full” alt=”1739143031469.jpeg”]9325221[/ATTACH]
Opening this thread today
[IMG alt=”Backing Up Homer Simpson GIF”]https://media3.giphy.com/media/a93jwI0wkWTQs/200.gif[/IMG]
[QUOTE=”Wonger, post: 12923758, member: 74038″]
Yeah, having seen how mid/low your irons fly is why I asked about the DartV’s.
V’s have been tough to come by anywhere for me as well too so could be tough outside just building one up.
From reading the V-thread, I’d love to try them and I think the profile and feel would be great for me.
But probably the results would be better with the Darts. I loved how the Darts felt in Yags’s Limit3D’s.
[QUOTE=”JB, post: 12923757, member: 3″]
lorenzo lamas now
And Reno Raines never lost
[ATTACH type=”full” alt=”IMG_7883.jpeg”]9325222[/ATTACH]
Reno Raines may not want any of [USER=72219]@Inioch[/USER] and [USER=56094]@Muchmore[/USER] ?
[QUOTE=”Wonger, post: 12923780, member: 74038″]
Reno Raines may not want any of [USER=72219]@Inioch[/USER] and [USER=56094]@Muchmore[/USER] ?
What about Vince Black?
[QUOTE=”JB, post: 12923819, member: 3″]
What about Vince Black?
Oooh, Vince Black/Reno Raines combo coming to Shaft Up #2 to challenge for UST Mamiya world domination? I mean these experiences are otherwordly as is…how would you pull this one off?
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12923769, member: 72219″]
From reading the V-thread, I’d love to try them and I think the profile and feel would be great for me.
But probably the results would be better with the Darts. I loved how the Darts felt in Yags’s Limit3D’s.
I’ve been debating between Dart 90s and V’s as well.
[QUOTE=”Wonger, post: 12923947, member: 74038″]
Oooh, Vince Black/Reno Raines combo coming to Shaft Up #2 to challenge for UST Mamiya world domination? I mean these experiences are otherwordly as is…how would you pull this one off?
We are showing our age and nerdiness as the only people that know Bobby Sixkiller
I mean… I’ve seen some Renegade.
But I am a nerd.
Just a slightly younger one. Sort of.
[QUOTE=”JB, post: 12923969, member: 3″]
We are showing our age and nerdiness as the only people that know Bobby Sixkiller
It’s ok I got you!
[QUOTE=”Inioch, post: 12923687, member: 72219″]
That’s the “After Shaft Up #2″ picture
[IMG alt=”Pop Corn GIF by WWE”]https://media1.giphy.com/media/3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK/200.gif[/IMG]