Both TaylorMade Golf and Callaway Golf were a major part of the Morgan Cup and their equipment shined through the entire weekend. Each golfer that was a participant got a chance to talk about their drivers in detail on media day and their thoughts are put together in these promo videos on each line.
Callaway RAZR Hawk & Diablo Octane Drivers
TaylorMade R11 & SuperFast 2.0 Drivers
Great job Callaway & TM staffers! Enjoyed hearing snippets of why you chose what you did and how it is working for you.
Everytime I hear and see that intro I am just blown away, really good job guys on explaining why you enjoy your custom fit driver.
Great videos guys! Should be a lot of help to those considering these clubs.
There were some great promos there and it’s nice to see the different things that the staffers liked about their drivers. Thanks to Callaway, Taylormade, and THP for making this a reality.
Great videos guys! I think you represented your sponsors well! Thanks to Callaway and TaylorMade for sponsoring these guys for this event.
these were really fun to make. Thank you Callaway and Taylormade for sponsoring The Morgan Cup.
Those were awesome. Yoccos was my favorite. Way to go buddy!
Great promos guys!! Way to represent your sponsors!!
Great videos, guys! The info was excellent! I am surprised by one thing, no one broke the camera! Just kidding! I learned more about what kind of driver I’m looking for. Thanks guys.
Great promos everyone!!! Both the Callaway and TM videos were fantastic. Thank you to both of these fine companies for sponsoring the Morgan Cup!
Great promos guys. I really enjoyed them and you like naturals out there.
Ummm…I must have something wrong…can’t see the videos…just black screens????
They are definitely still viewable, so it might be on your end.
I figured as much. I guess I’ll have to wait till I get home and check them out again.
I loved doing these vids!! Great job everyone!
Thanks Yorkey 🙂
What a great honor to represent Taylormade in The Morgan Cup. We had a blast cutting these promos and hope everyone enjoys them.
These were a lot of fun to do. I thought everyone did a great job and I hope TM and Callaway are happy with our efforts.
Great jobs guys! These all came out very well.
Yous guys did good!
Love going back and watching these. Everyone did a great job and it was a ton of fun.
Great job guys! I’m sure TM and Callaway are very proud!
Great job everyone. Glad I finally took the time to view them.
I watched these and posted on the forum but not on the main page. I really think all of the MC’ers did a fantastic job on these video’s. Amazing!
Nicely done. 🙂
Great job by the folks at the Morgan Cup!
Both videos were excellent!! Great work done by all that contributed.