Cobra DS-ADAPT Fairways and Hybrids

When it comes to release season for Cobra Golf it is natural that the eyes tend to first go to the drivers, especially given the brands unwavering consistency in improving performance year in and year out. With DARKSPEED in particular, they kept the industry on notice that they too are a power in golf club innovation, and the drivers in particular were among the fastest tested all year. So, this year Cobra is turning to DS-ADAPT, the next evolution of DARKSPEED.  

DS Adapt Fairway woods

However, this isn’t about the driver, no, this is about the portion of Cobra’s metal wood innovation that always seems to fly a bit under the radar, fairway woods and hybrids. Though perhaps slept on, they have historically been some of the most consistent performers on the market, although at times the lines were a bit blurred from model to model. This year, Cobra aims to set that right.   

Cobra DS-ADAPT Fairway Woods Key Technology 

While one of the main stories concerning Cobra’s new drivers remains centered around aerodynamics, when it comes to fairways and hybrids their smaller size limits the impact which changes in aero can bring to the table. However, that does not at all mean this part of the DS-ADAPT lineup is lacking innovation in design and technology.  

DS-ADAPT Fairway Woods

Foremost, with DARKSPEED we saw a true differentiation between each of the heads offered in the fairway and hybrid portion of the lineup. Nevertheless, even with the material and weight placement changes from head to head, the line was still a bit muddy as to what head fit whom the best, especially when it came to the LS and X options. So, this year they are taking things further than any previous Cobra release.  

DS-ADAP Fairway Wood soles

Each head offered in the DS-ADAPT release features an all new H.O.T. Face (Highly Optimized Topology) which this time around consists of fifteen “hot spots”. This is a larger perimeter than past applications which has utilized “Machined Learning” to optimize placement on each of the head designs. The designs also use a thinner overall face than with DARKSPEED which means not just more energy transfer, but more efficient transfer to improve the launch conditions of each individual clubhead.  

Looking at the internals of the DS-ADAPT Fairway woods

Of course, PWR-BRIDGE is also here, but presented in three very different ways. In fact, the DS-ADAPT X fairway and hybrid are the two which utilize the version which we come to expect, the free standing bridge. In the LS and MAX however, there is a different application based on the performance needs and goals of each head, low-forward in the LS and low-back in the MAX.  

Last, but certainly not least, MYFLY8 is out, and FUTUREFIT33 is in, with full implementation in the fairway woods and hybrids. If you have read the THP release article on the DS-ADAPT Drivers before hopping over here, then you got a masterclass from our own Dean DeCrecenzo on the new adapter setup, but if not, lets dive in.  

Right on cue, when the top internet-sleuths went to work with their pictures and incomplete info about Cobra’s new adapter system, there was excitement mixed with assumptions by many. The main one being how complicated it looked, after all, with FUTUREFIT33 offering thirty-three unique loft and lie settings, how could it not be? Well, we are here to tell you while it is sure to be the most comprehensive adapter on the market, it is not the most complicated.  

Sure, there is one of the absolute coolest adapter adjustment images (which they are internally referring to as a mandala) you will ever see accompanying FUTUREFIT33, although at first glance it is admittedly a lot. The secret though lies in that yes, you can use that setting chart to move the adapter sleeve where you need to, but you can also simply look at the adapter to see what each does since Cobra has placed not just the alpha-numeric setting on it, but also the actual loft and lie change. 

Cobra DS-ADAPT Fairway wood adapter

Based around 0.7 and 1.0 degree options, the adapter shows you how each setting is impacting the loft and lie. The real brilliance here is that so far, adapters have either been extremely upright leading to heavy draw bias in adjustments, or flat making for a fade bias. With FUTURFIT33 Cobra has unbound that correlation and created an adapter which you can actually dial in any desired bias. This is the truest definition of a revolutionary jump in adapter design.  

Of course, each clubhead within the release also has its specific design aspects which differentiate it from its siblings. Read on for a breakdown of each option within the new DS-ADAPT lineup. 

Cobra DS-ADAPT LS Fairway 

It will come as no surprise that with the lowest and most forward CG of the new DS-ADAPT fairways, the LS is built for power and speed first and foremost. In fact, they’ve been so successful its too long for Cobra staffer Rickie Fowler, and he will be playing the X instead. However, for those of us who love a tee-heavy fairway option, the LS should certainly excite.  

The LS remains an all Titanium design that stands apart from the steel X and MAX models. Because titanium is so much lighter, it allows for more discretionary weight placement internally, in this case there is no traditional PWR-BRIDGE but instead an adaptation through the use of 60g of Tungsten. Internally, there is 34g placed forward and on the sole of the clubhead while externally there are two 13g weights which can be placed in one of the three ports (heel, toe, rear) for fine tuning.  

The crown of the Cobra DS-ADAPT fairway woods

Shape wise, the LS is as compact as you would anticipate and it keeps a very classic flow from address. The head here is however on the deep side with a 31mm face which should absolutely appeal to those looking for a second tee club. The DS-ADAPT LS fairway will come in 3W (14.5) and 5W (17.5) as expected, but in an exciting move there will now be a 3HF (16.0) option replacing the 3+ that Cobra offered in the past.  

The True Temper Denali Black 60 (X, S) will be the standard offering in the DS-ADAPT LS and it is priced at $429.  

Cobra DS-ADAPT X Fairway 

The X fairway option is once again the option which most golfers will fall into within the DS-ADAPT lineup. The head has a neutral low and forward CG design that does utilize the traditional PWR-BRIDGE technology inside the steel clubhead. The mid-to-forward placement of the PWR-BRIDGE helps increase speed potential while also improving the playability and launch of the head.  

Compared to the LS, the X is slightly larger in footprint front-to-back and also has a 28mm deep face. This is essentially the “best of both worlds” option in the DS-ADAPT fairway arsenal with enough speed to be a lethal option off the tee, but a profile that helps elevate shots off of the turf easier than the LS while still keeping ample workability for those who seek it.  

Cobra will be offering the DS-ADAPT X fairway in 3W (15.0), 3HF (16.5), 5W (18.0), and 7W (21.0) options. Standard shaft options will be the Denali Blue 60 (R, S) or Red 50 (A) from True Temper. Price point on the X will be $329.  

Cobra DS-ADAPT MAX Fairway

Rounding out the fairway lineup is the DS-ADAPT MAX which has the largest overall footprint of the three options. The reasoning behind this is to get the weight placement as far back and low as possible while also using a weight port in the heel to add draw bias. The internal design along with a shallow 26.5mm face depth has this clubhead built for optimizing launch and spin.  

The sole of the Cobra DS-ADAPT Fairway Woods

While the MAX will typically appeal to the slower swinger or golfer who benefits from draw bias, the inclusion of FUTUREFIT33 could very well open the MAX designs up to a whole new segment of golfers who predominantly hit fairway woods into greens.  

The DS-ADAPT MAX is priced at $329 and will be paired with the True Temper Denali Red 50 (A, R, S) while being offered in 3W (15.5), 5W (18.5), 7W (21.5), and an all new 9W (24.5) option.  

Cobra DS-ADAPT Hybrids 

Cobra’s hybrids are criminally under-discussed, not simply based on performance, but also because they don’t get the credit they deserve with how well they have evolved their designs to offer a breadth of options. With the DS-ADAPT the have created a size/profile that is bigger than the DARKSPEED was(125cc vs 119cc), but still slightly smaller than the most recent KING TEC. This shape change has allowed even more weight optimization with the goal of making a hybrid that is more stable with easier launch to maximize carry distances.  

The sole of the Cobra DS-ADAPT Hybrids

With the implementation of both PWR-BRIDGE and H.O.T. Face into the hybrids just as with the fairways, Cobra is seeking to create a hybrid that truly bridges the gap between fairways and irons. When you add in FUTUREFIT33 though, and consider that the adapter will let you take a neutral hybrid and tune it to draw or fade bias, this is a new era for Cobra hybrids.  

The crown of the Cobra DS-ADAPT hybrids

Cobra is offering the DS-ADAPT hybrid in 2 (17.0), 3 (19.0), 4 (21.0), 5 (24.0), and 6 (28.0) offering 15 to 30 degrees of options when using the new adapter. The standard shaft is the KBS PF Hybrid 85S, 75R, or 65A. Pricing on the hybrid will be $299.  

The Details 

As you can see, Cobra is absolutely determined to make the DS-ADAPT release perhaps its most complete and versatile ever. The entire lineup will be available for fitting as well as pre-sale starting today, 12/12/24, with products hitting retail on 1/10/25. Stay tuned to THP for more information as we will have the entire lineup in-hand for full reviews.  

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James is a staff writer for The Hackers Paradise along with being a professional educator. With his background in education James seeks to broaden his own knowledge while also sharing it with all those who share his passion for the game.