Edel Aim Check System Review

Over the years here at THP, there have been a lot of “aha” moments for me when it comes to golf equipment. However, there might not have been a more significant one than Edel Golf’s putter fitting process, namely the impact of aim bias and how something as simple as a laser can unlock a new world of confidence on the greens. 

Previously, the opportunity to go through that laser process which unmasks all of ones putting alignment and aim shortcomings was available only during fittings with Edel certified locations. However, in one of the coolest moves ever, that is no longer the case. Now with an official name, “Aim Check” is here, and available for golfers everywhere to purchase outside of an Edel fitting and use with any putter they wish. 

Edel Aim Check System Review

Edel Aim Check System Review

In putting, alignment is everything, and according to Edel’s research, 97% of golfers are not actually aiming at their intended targets. The reason for that? Aim bias. Aim bias is maybe the most under talked about aspect of putter fitting out there today, there is ample focus put on the shape, size, weight, toe-hang, and any other number of things, but never how each golfers own natural bias is impacted by them. To be honest, most golfers don’t even have a clue what their aim bias is, though when they become aware of it, they are freed up to make a more educated decision in their putter selection process. 

Edel Aim Check System Review showing off the carrying case

That is where Aim Check comes in. The beauty here lies in the simplicity. Edel has created a “puck” which is the exact size of a golf cup, and within it there is a channel which allows for a strong laser pointer to be placed, this is the aim target. The Aim Check kit also has reflective mirrors with a light adhesive backing on one side to make it usable on all putters. After placing one of those mirrors on the putter impact location, you then set up the laser to hit the back/center of a golf ball. 

Edel Aim Check System Review WITB

From there, the golfer addresses the ball, aiming at the puck, and removes the ball while keeping the putter stationary. This allows the laser to reflect off the putter face and on a background show where you are actually aimed in relation to the target. While the kit doesn’t include the fancy pop out laser backdrop screen (similar to car windshield shades), it can be purchased separately, though you can also use a wall behind the puck and it works just as well. Based upon where the dot reflects, you now see your unmasked aim bias. 

What do you do with this information though? Previously, in Edel fittings, you would then be dialed in to the correct headshape, alignment, neck style, and even lie angle until you got your natural aim bias to center. Now, it becomes a practice aid in trying to correct it yourself with your current putter, or possibly going down the rabbit hole of finding a better fit. What is yet to be seen, is does it point people back to Edel and their certified fitters to be further educated, or does offering up this very cool kit actually cut their legs out from under them by allowing golfers to use it to allow other brands to fit their needs more? Only time will tell. 

Edel Aim Check System Review what you put on the face of the putter

The Aim Check putter kit is priced at $95.00 and is currently available directly from www.EdelGolf.com.

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James is a staff writer for The Hackers Paradise along with being a professional educator. With his background in education James seeks to broaden his own knowledge while also sharing it with all those who share his passion for the game.