Last year at the PGA Show a winner was declared in the best new products category. That product was the EEZ-Read by Momentus Golf. It definitely falls under the classic line “Why didn’t I think of that?”. This little product was designed to let golfers quickly and easily read the putts they have in front of them.
Here is what the company has to say about this little device.
EEZ-READ and Momentus Golf have launched the new EEZ-READ putting aid at the PGA Merchandise Show. Named 2008 PGA Merchandise Show Best New Product designed to build putting confidence and shave strokes off every golfer’s game, the device will be a part of Momentus Golf’s Butch Harmon Signature Series line of products and be endorsed by the renowned instructor. “Using the EEZ-READ is the simplest way to sink more putts,” says Harmon.
The EEZ-READ (pronounced Easy Read) is a high accuracy “bubble level” attached to a watchmaker’s grade stainless steel disc that’s sturdy enough to provide a quick reading of the green’s contours, yet lightweight enough to carry in your pocket during play. It is intended to help golfers on putts with subtle or confusing breaks and works best on putts within 20 feet of the hole.
The Directions seem pretty straight forward and use a three step system to work.
Line up your putt and imagine the break line.
Place the EEZ-READ on the line halfway between your ball and the hole to determine the overall break.
Then place the EEZ-READ on the same line within six inches of the hole to see if that break continues through to the hole.
If the bubble is at the 12 o’clock position then it’s an uphill putt; at the six o’clock position it’s a downhill putt; at the nine o’clock position the putt will break from left to right and at three o’clock it will break from right to left. If the bubble rests between two readings then the putt is a combination of the two.
We took the gadget out on the course for a test drive and here are some things to note.
1. The device is small and light enough to easily fit into a pocket without you really knowing it is there.
2. The device is simple to read and easy to use and does give accurate readings.
3. It will help you make more putts especially inside of 10 feet.
4. A problem we had with the device is that many putts, even those inside of 10 feet, have more than one change in movement. The EEZ-Read is not capable of that without putting it down every foot or so on your way to the hole.
Overall we think the device could really help some people out there with their putting. Specifically those who have trouble reading the greens before a putt. To give it a “must buy” mark however we think the product should be near the $10 range rather than the MSRP of $15. After all, it is just a level. Either way the product might be worth a second look next time you are at the store looking at the golf accessories.
To read more about the 2008 best new product winner from the PGA Show check them out at EEZ-Read.
Till Next Time
Josh B.
I have one of these and I swear by it. I agree with the reviewer about the price, but when you make more putts it seems to be worth it.
I have one of these and absolutely love it. Drop it down and it tells me where the putt is going.
Great review. I am going to agree with you on this one. I play a course with big curves to the green. I would have to put this down at every 6 inches to get the right reading.