There are so many equipment companies putting out incredible products at the current time and despite what most golfers say openly, most have some form of bias here and there. Everybody has opinions whether it be love, loathe, indifferent or many other colorful adjectives that are thrown out from time to time. Perception is reality when it comes to you the consumers and how you spend your hard earned dollar.
So THP decided to have some fun and get some education at the same time and ask the forum members to give us one word thoughts (answers) about a baker’s dozen worth of equipment companies. None of the thoughts and opinions are those of The Hackers Paradise or THP Media, but these are just regular consumers just like you.
The Lucky 13
Wilson Staff
This was Super fun , and Very interesting at the same time. I enjoyed both doing it ,and reading all the other 1 word answers
Great concept for a thread. It’s interesting to see how some companies stand out in the crowd either in a negative light *cough* *cough* Titleist and then others.
Fantastic idea! I have enjoyed this thread on the forum and really like seeing all the different answers. One thing that kind of surprised me is that there are a lot of people who don’t really know about Yonex except for the very active members of THP (generally speaking).
A very interesting quick thought test of word associations. I’m sure marketing has a huge deal to do with what and how people think and perceive these companies.
Interesting! I’ll give it a go.
This was an interesting thread. I posted mine and then went back and read other THP’ers. There were a lot of similarities, but some were really different.
Ping, Mizuno, Titleist and in some cases Cleveland, Adams, and Callaway are definite quality and unfortunetely other brands suffer when I get everything I need for the game from the above and TaylorMade to me has one word = over-rated
I can’t believe how many similarities there were in opinions of OEM’s. I enjoyed this thread quite a bit.
I had fun doing this! It was interesting to see how some of the OEM’s got the same type of response from a bunch of people.
Great idea THP! I will have to check the thread out and lew a few one worders.
Like the nerd that I am I decided to do a little analysis of the responses. Here are the top 3 responses for each OEM. I did combine similar responses, such as unknown, unfamiliar and ???. I did my best to keep accurate score and combine terms that I deemed to be similar and to judge the intent of the writer (i.e. I deemed elite and elitist to be different as I saw the intent as being different.) When I filled my list out, I made sure not to look at anybody’s list first. It was interesting how many of mine were similar to other people on the site. So here are the top 3 responses as of 6/21/2011 for each of the OEMs.
TaylorMade: Innovation (20); Drivers (17); Leader (12)
Titleist: Elitist (21); Overpriced (18); Tradition (16)
Bridgestone: Ball (41); Tires (26); Fitting (13)
Callaway: Phil (15); Bertha (9); Consistent/Solid (9); Overrated (9)
Nike: Tiger (31); Challenger/Up & Coming (13); Fresh/Sexy (9)
Adams: Hybrid (43); Seniors (13); Tom Watson (8)
Wilson Staff: Historic/Old (31); Underrated (22); Cheap (11)
Ping: Classic (13); Consistent/Solid (10); Putter/Anser (9)
Yonex: Unfamiliar (47); Japan (11); Tennis (9)
Cleveland: Wedge (55); Srixon (5); Light (4)
Srixon: Yellow (23); Balls (14); Z-Star (11)
Cobra: Snake (13); Poulter (9); Failing (7); Have to add #4 which was Ole Gray (5) he beat out Greg Norman and Puma!
Mizuno: Buttery (16) (if you add “feel” it had 20 votes, but that is a subject for another thread ); Forged (15); Baseball (9)
Most common response goes to Cleveland which has made a name for itself with its wedges. Oddest responses go to Srixon which had 3 people say Teeth, what does it mean? Hope you enjoyed the breakdown!