Eye Line Putting Plane & Metronome Pro Review

We all love to drive for show but it is on the green where championships are won. I have seen my fair share of putting training aids and while many are useful they often tend to be one-dimensional. The Eye Line Putting Plane is packed full of features, easy to use, and easily transported. The Putting Plane provides a visual stimulus that creates instant positive feedback. The Eye Line Putting Plane and Metronome Pro create effective and efficient practice sessions.

At first glance the Eye Line Putting Plane is an impressive training aid. Most importantly is its ease of use and practical construction. While the tool is extremely effective it must be known that the tool promotes an arching putter stroke, a stroke championed by Scotty Cameron. With an arching putter stroke, the putter travels inside and squares through the stroke with the toe of the putter releasing at impact. If you are comfortable using a face balanced putter with a straight back and through stroke you this training aid may not be for you. The training aid addresses a number of issues that casual and accomplished golfers face when struggling with their putting. The tool promotes proper posture and shoulder alignment while providing instant positive feedback with the use of its arching rail.

The Putting Plane features a number of effective and useful features. The guide rails as well as the reflective mirror and shoulder and putter face alignments create an effective and multi-dimensional tool. The alignment markers are a simple method of forcing the player to check his or her posture and alignment. Shoulder alignment is the most common reason why players struggle with their putting and the use of the reflective mirror addresses this issue in a simple and effective manner. There are a multitude of uses with the training aid that can be achieved by altering the position of the rails or simply removing them. The initial drill is to use the inside rail to promote positive feedback and train the player to feel the arching stroke. The outside rail can be moved to address the issue of coming across the plane during the stroke. Placing tees at the rear slots promotes a compact stroke and addresses the issue of deceleration in the stroke. Tees may also be used at the impact point of the stroke. If the toe of the putter is open or has not released through the stroke the heel of the putter will strike the inside tee. If the toe of the putter strikes the outside tee first the putter head has effectively released and produced a solid stroke.

I had the pleasure of taking the Putting Plane and Metronome out to the range yesterday and I cannot express how impressed I am. Adding the Metronome tool I worked on creating a smooth tempo in my putter stroke.
The Metronome tool has the added benefit of using a headset and I found the tool useful while warming up. At first, I set up the Putting Plane aid and made a number of strokes while listening to Metronome with my eyes closed. The rails guided my stroke and provided instant positive feedback as I felt the putter releasing through impact. Once I was ready to begin my practice session, I removed the metronome yet was conscience of the beat it produced.

They even have a new video coach you can check out here that shows you everything you need to know about the metronome and how to relate it to your swing.

I would consider my putting to be a strong suit in my game but lately I have had issues finding a consistent roll. The Putting Plane fixed this issue almost instantly. With the visual alignments guiding my shoulders and eyes I realized that my hands were dropping and becoming to flat. With my hands in a flatter position it raised the toe of the putter and created an ineffective use of the putters loft. The rails, along with the reflective mirror and putter face alignment aid, forced me to change my hand position. The results were instantaneous and I found my ball rolling the way I expected it to. That afternoon I had a renewed confidence on the green and made a number of putts I had previously found myself missing. If you are looking for an easy to use and effective tool the combination of the Putting Plane and Metronome tool creates productive practice sessions. I am a true believer in the potential and benefits of these tools.

Both of these products and tons of other training aids are available from the same place. Eyeline Golf is the number one training aid company on the PGA Tour. Check them out today.

Dan D.

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