Dropping down on the backswing on occasion


New member
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Andy,

I am like a bad penny. It keeps coming back!

This is not a huge problem for me but I thought I would ask just to see if there was something that could eliminate the problem completely. Every once in awhile especially in the cold, I will drop my left side early in my backswing. I almost drop straight down. I can feel when I do it pretty quickly because as I am sure you know, if you drop down in the backswing you are forced to come back up in the downswing. While I have difficulty feeling myself drop down I have no difficulty at all feeling it when I came back up during my downswing and I begin to correct. Usually it will take me 5-10 swings and I will have it out of my system.

As I stated this happens to me more in the cold when my whole darned body is looking for shelter anyway and I cave in on myself a little bit. While it is not a big deal at the range, you just don't have 10 bad swings to give the course when you playing a round so I would rather not do it in the first place.

Anyway, anything I can work on that will eliminate the problem all together?
Double check the takeaway as you are warming up before you hit shots. Make sure that you are turning your shoulders to start the club back versus using the arms. I found with most of my students when they start using the arms instead of the big muscles posture issues creep in. Try it out and let me know.
That is a good point Andy. When I go into correction mode I tend to concentrate on cleaning up the whole swing and I have noticed that when I have this problem I usually have to correct a little too much arm action as well. Sometimes I get overly conscience of maintaining my triangle and I my arms will leak in a little as a part of that effort. I just never connected the two as you just did. Good tip. I will let you know.