If a weird looking swing helped you play your best golf - would you do it?


Tryin' to get better....
Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score
Rochester NY
As a sidesaddle (face on) putter whose putting dramatically improved as a result....
I'm surprised at how many people tell me they wouldn't do it (or even try it) because of how it looks.
Or because of the fact no one else seems to do it.
I'm sure there's the same phenomena will full swing mechanics.
If doing something weird with your golf swing could help you realize your potential as a golfer - would you do it?
Would you be willing to look weird on the golf course in exchange for being better or better scores?
Just curious.....
Why not....
Absolutely. I remember Jim Furyk talking about trying a more conventional swing at one point (I don't know how old he was when he tried), but he simply couldn't gain the shot-making consistency playing on tour requires so he went back to his unorthodox swing.
I'm more about results than "form" so I'd go with it.
I’m doing it now, when I set up with my driver I contort myself to the point where my playing partners think I’m must be having a stroke. I make a fool of myself with my irons too.
absolutely, I wouldn't care if it meant wearing a dress, standing on one foot, and doing a one foot moonwalk, while swinging backwards with the club upside down.
There is no right way to swing. Only a right way to hit the ball.
Definitely I would do it. Nobody ever says great shot but it looked weird.
I think my swing looks weird since I'm still working on trying to get better and it doesn't help me score better so why not?
I’ve got an ugly ass swing and I suck so hell yes I’d take a weird looking swing to play better.
I'll take anything that helps my game

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In a heartbeat. If I vould find consistency from round to round, I wouldn't care how it looked.
History is on my side when I say "You bet your ass I would."
I'd take Jim Furyk's worst swing if I could play half that well...
Absolutely would. Nothing can be worse than my swing at the moment. LOL!
Heck yeah! I have a somewhat unique short swing with very little wrist hinge and even when it's been pointed out it hasn't bothered me.
Absolutely. I’m a lefty golfer. My swing looks weird to everyone as it is!

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