Golf After A Shoulder Replacement


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Albatross 2024 Club
Feb 15, 2020
Reaction score
Durham, NC
So my Dad finally bit there bullet and had his shoulder replaced (long overdue). The surgery was this afternoon. He’s in the hospital overnight then back home tomorrow as the recovery begins. He’s 60 years young and likes nothing more than walking 9 after the workday.

He has been in tremendous pain for a few years and had limited range of motion in his shoulder. Despite this, he typically played 3-4 times a week and would play more if he could! The injury definitely impacted his performance on the course (handicap went from high teens to high 20’s), but more importantly it impacted his enjoyment in the game.

He will likely regain full range of motion in the joint, and it’s looking like 3-6 months before he starts swinging a club again. Has anyone else gone through this?
I'm only 40, but they've been talking to me about a replacement for 5 years. Scares the crap out of me. All I can say is that I hope he recovers really well and gets back to enjoying a round at any level of play very soon. I'll be following the thread for news/updates and actual experiences from others. Best of luck to him.
So my Dad finally bit there bullet and had his shoulder replaced (long overdue). The surgery was this afternoon. He’s in the hospital overnight then back home tomorrow as the recovery begins. He’s 60 years young and likes nothing more than walking 9 after the workday.

He has been in tremendous pain for a few years and had limited range of motion in his shoulder. Despite this, he typically played 3-4 times a week and would play more if he could! The injury definitely impacted his performance on the course (handicap went from high teens to high 20’s), but more importantly it impacted his enjoyment in the game.

He will likely regain full range of motion in the joint, and it’s looking like 3-6 months before he starts swinging a club again. Has anyone else gone through this?
@PatsFan might be able to answer some of your questions
Wishing your dad a speedy recovery. I too have multiple tears in my shoulder which causes me some discomfort but a cortisone shot last spring has put off any reconstruction. Unfortunately I tore my bicep tendon off last June so my whole left side is a mess. I’m sure your dad will bounce back and his handicap will fall and his enjoyment rise so his decision will end up being the best one. Give him our best!
I had major shoulder surgery (from a ski accident) in October of 2011 including bone spurs, and torn supraspinatus and biceps tendons. I was 100% for golf and all other activities 4-5 months later. I had a lot of pain the first 30 days but continued with all the PT and things got dramatically better at about week 6 or 7.

I posted a handful of videos on the different parts of the surgery on YouTube if anyone is interested.

I have a friend who has had BOTH of his shoulders replaced He said to follow the rehab diligently and to NOT try to 'speed up' the process. Also, to be extremely careful with lifting ANYTHING over his shoulder. Mind the weight limit his doctor sets for lifting!

My friend has obviously less motion than before his shoulder problems, but NO pain! He does play golf with about a maximum 3/4 swing!
So my Dad finally bit there bullet and had his shoulder replaced (long overdue). The surgery was this afternoon. He’s in the hospital overnight then back home tomorrow as the recovery begins. He’s 60 years young and likes nothing more than walking 9 after the workday.

He has been in tremendous pain for a few years and had limited range of motion in his shoulder. Despite this, he typically played 3-4 times a week and would play more if he could! The injury definitely impacted his performance on the course (handicap went from high teens to high 20’s), but more importantly it impacted his enjoyment in the game.

He will likely regain full range of motion in the joint, and it’s looking like 3-6 months before he starts swinging a club again. Has anyone else gone through this?
I can help you and your dad.

I just turned 59 years young and my new shoulder is 1.5 years old. June 17th 2018 was my date to trade in my old one!! My OEM shoulder was arthritic as heck... could not take my wallet out of my back pocket-- was fighting NO ability to get inside the ball as it was my right shoulder. I could not extend and follow thru either. Sleeping and doing many things were becoming very problematic. I was in the machine stretching the joint about 3 hours after surgery. It was crazy-- I used it four times a day for an hour to maintain the range of motion. DO IT. My surgeon told me to really push it when still under the nerve block... I did and never regretted it.

I was a 3 handicap in 2014. A 5 handicap in 2017 and was more of an 8-10 when I had surgery in 2018. I trended from a 10 down to a 7 last spring/summer when I got back to playing. Age is not my friend...but.... I am pain free and feel I can swing again. Work keeps me from playing a bit more and I really am itching to get back to playing more this spring summer. Pain free and with range of motion.

I hope your dad's goes as well as mine. I had a great surgeon and followed my PT strictly. Best of luck to him..
Thanks for the feedback and well wishes! The nerve block wore off about 30 hours post-op and my Dad is already diligently going through his stretches. Really hoping this goes well just in general, but also because it will make him more willing to get the other one done too! (His “good bad shoulder”...). He’s a gym rat so the biggest thing will be getting him to take it easy. I’m sure the first golf tool to get some use will be his roll-up putting mat.
I've had both shoulders worked on for tears, spurs, etc.... Golf took almost 4 months before the Doc released me to do so. I was able to bowl before golf and my first game back I threw a 300 after not touching a ball for 3 months. If your dad sticks to the rehab plan and then adds 25% on top of that, he will be back to golf quickly. All the best !
Well we’re about 1.5 months post-op and my Dad has rolled out the putting green. Baby steps! I’m looking forward to getting my 9 hole golf buddy back.
Here we are just over 3 months post-op and Dad’s already played 9. He took out everything longer than his 7i, but I guess he’s feeling good.
Here we are just over 3 months post-op and Dad’s already played 9. He took out everything longer than his 7i, but I guess he’s feeling good.
Great news! Here’s to continued positive progress!
Here we are just over 3 months post-op and Dad’s already played 9. He took out everything longer than his 7i, but I guess he’s feeling good.
Glad dad is doing well!
Thanks for the feedback and well wishes! The nerve block wore off about 30 hours post-op and my Dad is already diligently going through his stretches. Really hoping this goes well just in general, but also because it will make him more willing to get the other one done too! (His “good bad shoulder”...). He’s a gym rat so the biggest thing will be getting him to take it easy. I’m sure the first golf tool to get some use will be his roll-up putting mat.
I hate to admit it, but I've been through 2 shoulder surgeries on my right shoulder. The first one didn't go well, lost a lot of range of motion and strength. Didn't do my therapy as diligent as I should have. Bad results. Had a second surgery and cleaned up some more issues, did my therapy and more. Still don't have great flexibility like I did when I was younger, but with the therapy done diligently and still stretching, I don't have pain and I've never played golf better and I'm mid 50's. So I have faith he can come back and enjoy and love the game again.
Here we are just over 3 months post-op and Dad’s already played 9. He took out everything longer than his 7i, but I guess he’s feeling good.

Great news! Glad he's back at it.
Under 5 months post-op and we are back near 100%. Dad played 16.5 holes on Saturday and did a range session on Sunday. Driver is back in the bag and the shoulder feels and looks great. And he shot a 46 on the front nine, which is his low round of the year including pre-surgery rounds. He’s already had MRI’s on the second shoulder so hopefully we can get that one done in 2020 so he can have a full golf season in 2021.
Lotsa surgeries for people I've known. Never even thought/heard about total replacement on shoulders too. Wow.
I have so many things banged up, I just try to get by. I'd literally spend the rest of my life under the knife. Shoulders are bad. Car wrecks and baseball there.
PT brought me back from the dead, (more than once) along with a natural addition to the meds as well.
Need to find a new chiro now.
Lotta PT starting in Feb with the goal to play again. Yesterday was the 2nd time in 4 days I hit a large bucket. I think I'm ready to go!
Like drumdog, that fresh no bad habits return to a sport can be incredible, if not fleeting, at times. Loved the way I was hitting it. :giggle:
Tell dad to keep goin'! All for golf!! :cool:(y)
Happy to hear that your dad is on the mend, sir!!!
Time to unfollow this thread. Dad is back to 100% although he finally agreed to no longer carry. Push carts and carts only! We played 18 on Saturday and he shot one of his better rounds in recent memory including pre-op. And he got his first MRI for shoulder #2. Hopefully can plan this one a little earlier to miss less golf season. Not a fun process, but we’re back baby!
Aaand we’re back. Shoulder #2 is a go! Having the surgery hopefully before the end of the year. My golf buddy should be back stronger and earlier next year!
Shoulder #2 was done today. Doc didn’t find any complications during the procedure. They didn’t have to do a reverse shoulder, which is good, but did have to put an extra wedge into the socket to hold it in place. Because of covid, he’s not allowed any visitors and he’ll be in the hospital overnight. Hoping for a similar recovery to the first shoulder so I get my golf buddy back for the start of the 2021 season. He told my Mom he wants her to drive him to my golf lesson on Sunday... he just can’t help himself!
Has anyone had experience with Arthosurface shoulder surgery ?

Is is supposed to be pretty close to the original ball (they don't remove anywhere near as much humerus bone. They have great video testimonials from people who are back to power lifting and crossfit they have some for golf testimonials for golf but are for wrist and toe. The concept makes more sense to me. Afraid this will be in my future due to missing cartilage. Basically they cover the arm bone ball with a metal cover similar to the ball .
Has anyone had experience with Arthosurface shoulder surgery ?

Is is supposed to be pretty close to the original ball (they don't remove anywhere near as much humerus bone. They have great video testimonials from people who are back to power lifting and crossfit they have some for golf testimonials for golf but are for wrist and toe. The concept makes more sense to me. Afraid this will be in my future due to missing cartilage. Basically they cover the arm bone ball with a metal cover similar to the ball .
I had a shoulder replacement done with Arthrosurface on Dec of 2021. I’m only 46. Now I’m debating about going to recoil 95 shafts or just stick with the Nippon 950gh shafts. Anyone have any suggestions?
I have not but my brother in law has had both of his done (rheumatoid arthritis). He played after the first one and had the second one done in the fall. He isn't a great golfer but was able to play pain free after not being able to swing a club.