Gripping The Club


Could Care Less
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
How does choking up, or down on the club's grip effect the lie andle of the club on full swings? Or, does it not effect the lie angle? If it does, are there any other adjustments that need to be made for the sake of accuracy?:comp:
This has no impact on the lie angle. all this move does is shorten the swing arc and it is a great way to control distances with the irons. As a general rule if you choke down 1" you should see a drop in distance of about 3-5 yards. Hope this helps.
This has no impact on the lie angle. all this move does is shorten the swing arc and it is a great way to control distances with the irons. As a general rule if you choke down 1" you should see a drop in distance of about 3-5 yards. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info...............:comp:
As someone who chokes down on about half of iron shots, I will add this. You need to remember to stand a little closer to the ball since you have esentially shortend the length of the club. You can't just take your normal stance with a club and then choke down. Get the grip you want and then take your stance.