Father's don't ask your kid to hold your beer.

Don't the Cardinals have enough trouble getting folks to attend their games? I'm fairly young.....but even from my memory.....This world has gotten much too far off the path of right, wrong and common sense. I wish folks could kick back, relax and enjoy life without having to worry about what insane rule they may be breaking or who they might be offending. Better not bust out the picture I have of my 3 yr old self holding my grandpa's beer while sitting in his lap. They may dig him up and arrest him....
Father's don't ask your kid to hold your beer.

Glad the NFL is on top of the guy who hands his beer to his son to hold for a minute while he takes a picture. I guess it's easier to deal with him than the 250 pound violent drunk guy two rows over.
Too much! Growing up in Brooklyn, my Dad would send me up to the corner bar with a porcelain pale to get him some draft beer. I think I was 10. And I got to drink some as a reward. With my boys, I let them have sips of wine or beer probably since they were 9 or 10. It isn't a big deal.
Beer-drinking starts young in my family.


My son's 5 now, and can say he's had beer at the HofBrauHaus in Munich.
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I'm a believer in there are to many people worried about what everyone else is doing at any given time. It's a debate room topic for sure.