Golf League Change-Up, Need Some Opinions

I think because it isn't a club league, this will fall a part since I am sure not everyone will keep a handicap. Plus this is a traveling league so it isn't centered around one home course. Currently we have 3 flights and no strokes given, wil probably stay that way.

Our league keeps a handicap for all of the members using just the league matches. Scorecards are turned in at the end of the round. This works pretty well. We haven't had much of in terms of the complaints, save for some of the folks who are > 36.4 wanting more strokes.
have played where it is stroke and match play combined, point for match play w/ handicap for a total of 4 points, the team is broken into 2 twosomes, "A" and B" for the team. the 2 A's are the 2 lowest and the 2 b's are the higher handicaps. the stoke play is totaled for the twosomes minus handicaps for one point for each twosome for a total of six points. the match and stroke format keeps everyone in the hole.
How about a system that limits the max amount of strokes given on any hole to 1, but also adjusts the field to make it fair?

To get the handicap, take the highest handicap of all participants & reduced it by the percentage that it took to get it to an 18. Then reduce the field's handicap by the same percentage.