Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

This is just so sad. It would be bad anywhere, but happening again at Ft. Hood can only open old wounds. My thoughts and prayers to the families.
This is just ridiculous and a sad story of what society is coming to.
I'm not sure exactly, nor do I want to turn this thread into something that is bound for the debate room.

Good call. No thread is a good thread when it involves Blu and the debate room :alien:
hated reading this. It's sad that the men and women that defend our freedoms have to worry about one of their own doing something like this. Just sad.
Man, I hate hearing stuff like this. Have lots of friends at Hood. Have heard from most of them. Hope everything's alright.
Such a tragedy. Prayers go out to the victims. Just don't know why this sort of thing has to happen; I get that people have issues, but if you're going to go nuts, don't take people with you.