Interlock to Overlap veterans, please come in...

Re: Interlock to Overlap veterans, please come in...

IceyShanks said:
Thanks for getting this moved for me, a typical noob mistake, I didn't use "SEARCH", I think the comfort for me will come with practice. Did anyone find a drastic loss in distance with a change like this?

I lost distance, but the loss wasn't too drastic. Accuracy was unchanged. But with the overlap, it felt weak in my right hand. I hit the ball lower with the overlap aswell.
I lost distance, but the loss wasn't too drastic. Accuracy was unchanged. But with the overlap, it felt weak in my right hand. I hit the ball lower with the overlap aswell.

The lower ballflight is interesting, I thought it was just me. Have you stuck with the overlap?
I switched from an overlap to interlock. I just came back from a 3 day golf outing with a group and the interlock worked great. Much straighter ball flight. I will keep the interlock!