John Daly has offically jumped into the deep end

He is quickly becoming THE laughing stock of the PGA. What a joke!!
Where are all the Daly apologists now? Anyone....Buehler....anyone?

They are teh same people that still think Tiger walks on water. Both of these guys are great golfers. Truly great. But to think that they are great people would be one of the worst offenses to truly great people in a long time. Looking up to these two disgusting individuals perhaps gives me a new outlook on the youth in this country...haha
They are teh same people that still think Tiger walks on water. Both of these guys are great golfers. Truly great. But to think that they are great people would be one of the worst offenses to truly great people in a long time. Looking up to these two disgusting individuals perhaps gives me a new outlook on the youth in this country...haha

this is the state of american youth when "hero" is anyone that is famous regardless of the fame... athletes... movie/tv stars... heck dummies on youtube... hahaha
its all about the money... notice real heros dont get paid squat... teachers/firefighters/servicemen
I have one of his Lions head covers for my driver, looks like it is time for me to get a different head cover. This is just way to low.
how do you really feel GG? lol
He is a joke, a washed up has been, who will do anything he can do make a dollar without having to earn it the hard way. He is a media wh**e but then complains about the media. Wants his picture taken if he is getting paid but for the fans he could care less. To me he is scum.
It never ceases to amaze me how low people will sink. He said this happened in 2007? Wake up John it's 2010 now. Three years have passed. This is just a shameless money grab. He's been tanking on TOUR and now want's a way out so he can still get paid. I didn't like the man before and I just hate him now. To this day, I've only encountered one person who I would classify as a waste of skin. Congratulations John, you're number two. His prize will be a swift kick in the ribs.
To include a childrens charity is low, even for the lowly. Unfortunately, I could imagine reading about a court giving him a nice chunk of change if he could get some witnesses, and other golfers saying they tried to have the woman removed.
I will have to check it out. thanks GG
As a spectator your supposed to stay back. I believe the rule of thumb is to stay 4 axe handles and a hog's head back. I don't support the lawsuit but I don't support misbehaving fans either.
John Daly's Case reads differently.

The defendant was holding a professional golf tournament in which the Plaintiff, John Daly had entered and was playing in. The defendant by and through its agents were in charge of security for the players in the tournament. There was an unknown patron at the tournament that was a security risk. Priorto the incident security was called by other players or their agents due to the security concern of the patron. In addition, prior to the incident, security was told by John Daly's agents and informed them that there was a patron that was a security risk. The defendant did nothing. After the same patron caused a security concern for the second time, security was told by John Daly's agents of the security risk. Security did nothing for a second time. On the third occasion, John Daly's agent told security, the patron was security risks. After the third time, security came to the hole where Plaintiff, John Daly was about to his drive. Prior to the drive, security guards took control of the patron that was the security risks, but did not remove her from the area and did not remove her from the course and let her go prior the incident. While John Daly was in the process of driving the ball, the woman jumped in front of him. In mid-swing he saw the woman directly in front of him. Inorder to avoid hitting her with either the driver or. the ball and to avoid either killing her or causing serious damage to her, he had to stop his swing, as a result he was injured.

Here is the report on ESPN when the event happened.

Hmmmm. Slightly different versions I would think. This case was filed way back when and when it went no where, Daly added defendants. There is a reason the Tour has not settled yet, and I think we all know what that reason is.
Well, that sucks. I was kind of liking him in his Golf Channel show. Not anymore, Willybilly has wised up.
He and his lawyers can sure spin a yarn. What a waste of talent.
his talent is pretty much gone
John Daly's Case reads differently.

Here is the report on ESPN when the event happened.

Hmmmm. Slightly different versions I would think. This case was filed way back when and when it went no where, Daly added defendants. There is a reason the Tour has not settled yet, and I think we all know what that reason is.

Jeez, I hope you guys will be OK at the Fall Outing, and that you won't be bothered by the wild and crazy PGA National residents throwing themselves at you!
Even though Loud Mouth apparel has some cute things, I refuse to purchase anything from that company!
Oh come on. It had to be said.

I would really love to see the man do well. I just cant now. Minus the whole childrens thing, I wouldve been okay with it. But with the healthcare charity involved, No sir.

I vote we all barrage his facebook page
That kind of fits in with some of your other thoughts...haha
I used to love watching the guy play, but after catching a couple episodes of his show (there was nothing else on) and seeing him play recently he doesn't seem to care anymore. Or he gives off the impression of not caring.
Clearly John went long on this one...But he needs to go home.

Maybe they were running out of ideas for the second season of " Being John Daly". This should make it a little more interesting.