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  • I figured since I'll be looking around on this forum, and going to the 2012 Demo Days we might as well be friends here, too.
    I need a yacht, going on day 7 of straight was crazy on my way in this was such a heavy downpour that you coudln't even see the roads on the freeway yikes!! Luckily this is my last day of work so it can rain as much as it wants after today :) With in between periods of sunshine so I can golf :D
    Yes!! I'll be having a lesson tonight, its not raining and its nice and clear :) YAY!!! :golf3: Enjoy the rest of your day!
    Me too, its pretty cloudy outside so we'll see. I wish it were Friday, then I wouldn't be here at work and I'd be packing :clapp:
    I'm looking forward to meeting you as well! It'll be here soon, its just around the corner :wink: I may need a roommate if the BF doesn't come with me if you're available :)
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