Trout Bum
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  • Trout,

    Just saw your pictures via a google search. The course looks great! I was co-designer on the project and have not seen pictures or played the golf course since it opened. I am glad you enjoy the course, as a course designer it is always nice to hear people enjoy my work.

    Again great pictures.


    Jeff Grossman
    Thanks dude, i'm pretty excited about it because I don't win many things lol. This forum kicks ass!
    Well then. I am actually very rarely pissed. Maybe I just have to find a better way to ask why somebody has whatever opinion they have. I try to keep personal attacks out of things, I never try to ridicule anybody. But apparently I come on strong.

    Is what it is I guess.
    Please help me out, because I want to get better about not being confrontational. I reread all of my posts in the Anchored putter thread. I don't think I ridiculed or put anybody down for having a different opinion. I don't want to be "that guy" on the forum.
    Yeah I kind of figured after seeing the post a couple days ago. No worries my friend, have a safe and Happy New Year!! See ya at the PGA show..
    Hey bubba, no golf tomorrow..not as a group. Hope to see you soon. I'll be going to PGA so if you come up let me know and we can grab that steak. Happy New Year!
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