Ever just have that day?


Well-known member
Albatross 2024 Club
Sep 21, 2021
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Do you ever just have that day when you can’t do anything right? Or it all just falls apart for a long stretch? That was me yesterday. Couldn’t do anything. Even my usual trusty short game killed me. For some reference

This is the last 15 rounds vs a 10cap (I’m currently a 10.3)

However, this was yesterday
Couldn’t do anything. The wind was just blowing like crazy but that wasn’t necessarily the issue. I topped 4 drives, I fatted or bladed multiple chips, just couldn’t strike my irons worth a dang.

I feel like my swing has just gotten more and more out of wack lately. Losing distance, poor striking. I feel like I’m trying to guide the ball and not hit the ball. How do you get yourself out of that when it happens to you?
I get those fairly often :LOL: :cry:... I just play through them.
That was my club championship last year.
First round started quad bogey, par, triple bogey to be +7 after 3, finished with 84 and 6 back for my flight.

Second round had every single problem you can think of in a round of golf to struggle to finish with a 99 so I feel ya.
Had it happen a few weeks ago. Tale of 2 nines. +2 front +13 on the back.
Been there many times!
Do you ever just have that day when you can’t do anything right? Or it all just falls apart for a long stretch? That was me yesterday. Couldn’t do anything. Even my usual trusty short game killed me.

How do you get yourself out of that when it happens to you?
Most of us have down periods or slumps. I go to the range one or more times and rediscover my ball striking, driving or short game. Maybe play a round where I hit 2 shots (personal 2 man scramble) and try to recapture my scoring ability. One needs to break the routine that may have gone stale. Regain some confidence.
Yup, Sunday. I had one good shot with a 7 iron and I putted fairly well. Every thing else was garbage and I shot horribly.
We all have those days! You just gotta try to make the best of it
I definitely have those days. Had one last week, I was coming off a couple rounds with decent (for me) scores, and all of a sudden that day I couldn't do anything right. Golf is a weird game.
Yep we’ve all been there. Just play through them with as much of a smile as you can.
Yep. I usually hit the reset button and go out for a “fun” round. Play some best ball, or irons only…
Mama said there’d be days like this… or like the last two months in my case. Better days ahead!
I once shot an 81......in 9 holes on league. Back in my late 20s, playing against the league's biggest smartasses, I was unable to get my clubface closed. No matter what I tried, shank right, skull shank right, just over and over. It was so bad that those guys were giving me **** for the first 4 holes, then even they felt bad for me. Next day, same 9 hole muny, shoot a 40. Just one day of the yips.
Yep I made a thread about it too.

Sometimes it happens. I learned a lot in the thread I made about this and it helped changed my perspective a bit. Anyone that knows my golf journey since I’ve joined thp knows that I’ve been grinding mercilessly on improving. I’ve done all of that myself without lessons so I think that put me in a position to only have myself to blame when things go bad. And when that happens I start to second guess the journey.

That thread taught me that I need to enjoy the journey sometimes more than the outcome. The outcomes will happen as long as I’m staying committed to and enjoying the journey.
Two weeks ago I started off with 41 on the front, thinking a low 80 was easily in sight. 49 shots later, I was mumbling to myself as I wondered what the hell went wrong. 🤣

Golf happens.
Do you ever just have that day when you can’t do anything right? Or it all just falls apart for a long stretch? That was me yesterday. Couldn’t do anything. Even my usual trusty short game killed me. For some reference

This is the last 15 rounds vs a 10cap (I’m currently a 10.3)
View attachment 9245655

However, this was yesterday
View attachment 9245656
Couldn’t do anything. The wind was just blowing like crazy but that wasn’t necessarily the issue. I topped 4 drives, I fatted or bladed multiple chips, just couldn’t strike my irons worth a dang.

I feel like my swing has just gotten more and more out of wack lately. Losing distance, poor striking. I feel like I’m trying to guide the ball and not hit the ball. How do you get yourself out of that when it happens to you?
My putting looks like that every day :banghead:
last two holes made it "that day" yesterday. before that, it was a pretty good day. Jake Hoyt said it about the streets and it applies to golf, "you gotta control your smiles and your cries..."
Golf is hard. It can be simply that.

Your other bit buried there, about you sensing your ball striking sliding, may be the bigger thing in the OP. I would really focus on your set-up fundamentals for a bit. The ball striking will come back.
Golf drives you crazy like that. Last week in league I couldn't get off the tee to save my life...but the rest of my game was fine. Yesterday was one of the best driving days in a year...and every other aspect of my game was terrible. It's what keeps us coming back.
Yeah, I've had bad days when nothing was working well for me. I just smile, and keep playing.

On the flip side, I've also had days when I could do no wrong. Like the poor swing days, I just smile, and keep playing.

Its golf.
The only days I remember are the ones when everything went right. It's good for athletes to have a selective memory.
Do you ever just have that day when you can’t do anything right?
I don't there is a golfer on the planet, even at the professional level, who hasn't had one of those days. That said, when I am having a day like that I try to find something positive to take a way from the round. Perhaps my scrambling was pretty good, or I putted okay.