Corona Virus/COVID19: Lighten The Mood?

Thanks for this thread. Everyone needs a laugh right now.
I've been getting alot of Jim Gaffigan and Jimmy Carr on my Facebook feed. They both are right in my comedy wheelhouse.

I'm working from home checking on students. Each time I close my laptop I exclaim "Honey, I'm home!"
Only joke here is my putting.

Don't know how many of you will get this, I know it took me a minute or two
growing tp.jpg
Maybe things are not going so well in China if a recent report from one of Australia's State Capitals proves to be true. It has been reported that an export company has been exporting containers of goods purchased by Asian shoppers for onforwarding to Asia.
Those one got me good
Thanks for this thread. Everyone needs a laugh right now.
I've been getting alot of Jim Gaffigan and Jimmy Carr on my Facebook feed. They both are right in my comedy wheelhouse.

We absolutely love Jim G.
Today I went to Walmart to buy a bag of cat food for my cat instead of TOILET PAPER.
Already in line, a woman behind me asked me if I had a cat. 🐾
I stare at her ... But then why would I be buying cat food, right? 😝😝
So on impulse I told her NO, that I didn’t have a cat, that I was starting the cat food diet again, and that I probably shouldn't because I ended up in the hospital the last time, but was 15 pounds lighter! 🤗
I told her that it was the perfect diet and that all you had to do is carry the kibbles in your pockets and eat one or two every time you feel hungry (I have to mention that practically everyone in line was interested in my story).
Frightened, the woman asks me if I ended up in the hospital because the cat food had poisoned me. I answered, of course not!
I was admitted because I bent down to smell the ass of another cat and I was hit by a truck!! 😂😂😂
I thought the man behind her was going to have a heart attack because of laughing too
I’ve been laughing at this for two days!
I'm bored. Here's a gallery of a Japanese doctor who collected the tattooed skin of deceased prisoners. Weirdly fascinatiing.
